Chapter 18: A Change in Plans

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Chapter 18: A Change in Plans

*POV: Snow*

I move around my room silently, yawning slightly to myself. I want to do my make-up and use the bathroom before anyone else wakes up otherwise I won’t have a chance. They’re all going to be showering and it’ll just be chaos. So instead, I glance at my two friends to see them still knocked out cold and smile, making my way out of the room. I close the door silently and tiptoe down the hall. I enter the bathroom and begin to apply my products, making sure to not over-do it. I’m just going to be on a plane all day and then go home where I’ll probably take a nap or just catch up with my family, who has seen me at my worst.

Once I’m finished, I exit the bathroom. I keep glancing down at my outfit, debating if I should change or not. I’m leaning more towards the not since I’m in my pajama pants and a baggy shirt. Maybe I’ll change my shirt or maybe just my pants. Who knows? I’ll decide once I get into my room again and finish packing.

“I see you found your way on your own this time,” I hear causing me to jump nearly a foot in the air. I cover my mouth to keep from screaming and I look over at the cause of this fear.

“Christ you fucking scared me,” I whisper as I see Zayn holding back a smile. His face is blotchy though making me concerned.

“Sorry,” he responds, shrugging his shoulders.

“You okay?” I ask as I approach him. He obviously isn’t.

“Do you hate me?” he asks totally catching me off guard. I almost drop all of my stuff right then at his bluntness.

“No. Why would I?”

“It just seemed like you did. You have no idea how relived it makes me to hear you say that you don’t though. I couldn’t handle not having someone to talk to again,” he frowns at the ground. It is too early to be having a conversation like this, but I know it needs to happen for his sake.

“What happened Zayn? This all can’t be about me,” I tell him and he nods.

“I guess it’s time I tell you everything,” he whispers and my eyes widen, not expecting this. I mean, we’ve only known each other for a few days. This is such an improvement. He leads me over to his bedroom and opens the door. I’m surprised when I find it very neat and tidy. It’s dark, like I expected and the only thing that’s out of place is the covers on his bed which are tousled a bit in strange ways, signifying that he never made his bed. We sit down on his bed though and he gulps before looking at me.

“So you know that something happened between Perrie and I right?” he asks me and I nod, remembering the news about it. It was just a really bad break-up, but I didn’t think it would make him this way.

“Well, I never really got over her if I’m being honest. I cried over her often, but I was finally pulling myself together. I knew that my mates were worried for me, but they were happier and my recovery. It took me two months to get even close to being remotely better again and only two minutes to break me apart again,” he explains and I raise an eyebrow at him confused.

“One night almost a year ago it seems, I was almost asleep when I got a phone call from an unknown number. I remember thinking it was a fan, but I was so wrong. So wrong. It was the hospital Snow. They told me that Perrie had come in a bloody mess, calling for me. You have no idea how much that hurt me. Nothing hurt worse than that feeling. I hurried as fast as I could to the hospital and once I got there they wouldn’t even let me fucking see her. Harry came and calmed me down. Well, I eventually got to visit her and she ended up having a seizure and due to all the stress that she had going on or something I caused her to go into a coma. I don’t understand it either. After about two months, her parents wanted to pull the plug ‘cos they couldn’t afford it. Of course I flipped a bitch. I’ve been paying for it since,” he tells me and I frown, not knowing how bad the situation truly was. I can’t believe how quick I was to judge him when I didn’t even know the whole fucking story. This is nothing like mine. He has a right to be the way he is. I couldn’t do it.

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