Chapter 35: Moving In

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Chapter 35: Moving In

*POV: Harry*

I wake up on the cot that we bought, rolling over to find that Snow isn’t next to me. It’s a weird feeling considering that we’ve shared a bed now for the past few months. I don’t want to leave in five days, no matter how much I missed touring.

“Harry! We have guests,” Snow yells from the living room area. I groan, rolling over on to my side. I look at the time to notice that it’s noon. Damn. I need help. I roll out of the bed, falling on to the floor, groaning yet again as a stretch before getting up. I walk out in just a pair of trousers, knowing that I probably should have put on some clothes, but being too tired to care much about it.

“Where’s your clothes mate?” a familiar voice says and I know my face is lighting up. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and look across the room and at the door to see my best mate and his fiancé. My smile is big and crooked, but I don’t care. I rush across the room and hug him. I know that he’s only staying for like two days before we leave for tour again, but it’s still nice to see him.

“How are you guys?” Zayn asks as he steps in with Perrie who I’m giving a hug as well. I close the door behind them before looking at Snow. She’s in her usual clothing attire, sweatpants and a baggy shirt. She’s still gorgeous to me.

“I’ve been better,” Snow admits. Zayn frowns, but nods accepting her answer.

“This is a pretty nice place,” Perrie says, looking around the empty apartment.

“Thanks. We legitimately moved in just yesterday,” Snow says with a slight giggle.

“I was going to see if you wanted to help me move some furniture in,” I speak up, looking at Zayn.

“Yeah that’s fine. I’m sure Perrie could help too,” Zayn says.

“What are you going to do why we move everything in?” I ask Snow, wrapping my arms around her waist.

“I could help ya know,” she frowns. I know that she hates not being able to do anything, but I don’t want to risk any harm to these children.

“No. How about you and Alee go grocery shopping?” I suggest. I can tell that Zayn is confused at my reluctance to letting her help. I thought it was quite obvious, but apparently it’s not.

“Fine. Let me go and get dressed,” she frowns, walking in to the room that she slept in last night. Alee is in there too so I’m assuming that she’s informing her friend. I then turn to look at the confused couple before me. I shrug, telling them that I’ll get dressed and be back.

I make my way to the room where my clothes are, tugging a black tee over my head and sliding on some skinnies. I then tie my boots on and place a fedora on my head. I walk out, pleased with how fast I got ready.

“I see that Snow’s nose is better from her fall,” Zayn proclaims as I see them again.

“Yeah. Her injuries have healed quite nicely,” I smile.

“Why have you stayed out here so long then? Your mum’s so worried about you,” he says and my stomach clenches. I know that she must be and she probably misses me, but Snow needs me right now.

“Holy fuck,” Perrie curses under her breath. Confused, I turn around to see Snow standing in the door way with Alee. Snow’s wearing a pair of black skinnies as well, her combat boots, a tight red tank top with a flannel over it, not buttoned up. Her stomach is so obvious in this outfit choice that it surprises me.

“What?” Snow asks at all the eyes on her. She then proceeds to button up her flannel, rolling the sleeves up.

“Are you?” Zayn asks.

“Oh yeah. Twins,” Snow shrugs. It’s probably hit her by now that there is no changing the situation so she’s probably given up on trying to hide it. I’m proud of her.

“We’re off to the store,” Alee says, feeling a bit awkward as she drags my girlfriend out of the apartment. They kind of just stare at me, unsure as to of say at this new realization.

“Let’s go and get everything,” I say awkwardly, knowing that they must be thinking that I’m dumb for knocking her up when in all truthfulness, we didn’t even know if it was me.

We need to go on Maury or some shit.

Still, Zayn and Perrie follow me to the store where we tell the movers to start bringing the furniture over. It’s a long and tiring process, but it needs to be done. Once we are done after the tiring outline of our day, the place looks amazing. Snow is cooking us some amazing food along with Alee’s help and it truly feels like home.

We sit there all catching up and enjoying the meal, talking about how great the place looks when Snow suddenly just stops and drops her fork, a loud clanking echoing through the apartment. We all stare at her, not sure what she’s thinking as she just stares at us all.

“I won’t be able to go to college Harry,” she whispers. Oh god. I know how much schooling means to her. The only reason she wants to go for it is so she can make a better future for herself and not have to depend on men, something her mother raised her to believe that I think is totally fine, but I don’t want her stressing out in this sort of situation. It’s not good for her.

“I think I’m going to go to bed with Snow guys. Feel free to crash wherever here,” I tell Zayn and Perrie, leaving them alone with Alee as I go to get Snow. I help her walk to the bedroom with an actual queen bed now and make her lay down. I know that she’s upset, but it’s something that she’ll have to come to terms with eventually.

“I don’t know what to do with my life now Harry. It’s all crashing down. I can’t continue schooling, my mother won’t talk to me and neither will Madelyne at the matter, I could never afford this place, I’m having twins, and you’re never going to be around and-“ she just breaks down sobbing. I wrap my arm around her comforting and just whisper in her ear over and over, “I’ll always be around and you’ll be okay.”


A/N: Tbh this was probably the shittiest update I could have ever given you, but that’s because I am now rushing through trying to finish this book. I have so many better ideas for other books that I want to start and this one didn’t turn out too well. So yeah. Rushed updates yeah

Alex xx

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