Chapter 9: Surprise

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Chapter 9: Surprise

*POV: Harry*

I groan and roll over in bed, having a horrid time trying to fall asleep. I just have too many thoughts on my mind, all of them involving three people. Taylor, Louis, and Snow.

I'm super excited for Louis' birthday tomorrow and it requires us getting up really early. It seems pretty brilliant and I honestly hope that Louis will like it because it's going to take a bit of time. I missed being around the lads and I'm glad to have some friends around while with them too.

Then I am not even sure about what's going to happen with Taylor. Will she show up like Snow said? Will she forgive me? Does she think that we're broken up? Does she think that I don't love her as much as I do?

"Everything will be fine. She'll forgive you. I promise," Snow's soothing voice comes into my head and I smile, knowing that I need to calm down. Of course all of my thoughts revolve around her eventually. She's brilliant and knows how to help. Her face from earlier comes to mind, still flushed, reminding me of my face becoming flushed.

What happened earlier tonight?

I mean, yeah, I fancied her in the past. All best friends fancy each other at some point in their life, but that time for Snow and I is over. I have Taylor and she has that dumb bloke Zach, no matter how much I despise him. So why did the both of us get all giddy and shit like we would have in the old days?

I need to clear my mind.

I look at the time noticing that it's maybe three in the morning. I groan and get up. Maybe taking a shower will clear my thoughts? I quickly turn on the water and remove my clothes. I climb in and the warmth of the water immediately welcomes me. It feels so nice and all of my thoughts go away for awhile. Once I get out though, all the memories that I don't want to remember start running through my mind, taking over all of my thoughts.

"Stop lying to yourself mate. You'll be much happier when you accept that you really want to remember it all," that little voice in the back of your head that you argue with speaks.

I groan, going for the bottle I was drinking earlier when Snow was here and I take a few more swigs. I want to drink away the memories and hopefully this'll help me fall asleep. My assumption is correct as I become drowsy with a clear mind as I fall onto my duvet. I wrap the cover around my cold naked body and fall into a sleep enveloped by memories after a few moments of getting comfortable.


"Harry. I'm bored. Let's go do something," Snow whines looking down at me for I am laying down with my head in her lap so she can play with my curls as we watch 'That 70's Show'. I was actually quite enjoying it because this is technically was my last day to hang with her before I went back home to London and I just love being in her presence, but I'd do anything to make her happy so I turn and look up at her.

"What do you want to do love?" I ask.

"I dont know! Anything!" She practically yells leaning her head on the back of the sofa. I laugh at her childishness.

I smile, "Get ready then."


"Please?" I ask.

"Ugh, only for you." She says getting up. She quickly leaves the room and I'm glad that I've thought of something for us to do this quickly. I grab her phone and text her closest friends. I also go and ask her mum if she can shofar for us. She's hesitant, but agrees. I go and turn off the T.V., then slide my shoes on trying to make my curls look somewhat neat.

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