Chapter 23: Secrets

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Chapter 23: Secrets

*POV: Harry*

I have never seen someone look so broken.

She wasn’t even this way through the whole Ash ordeal. At least when they broke up they just ignored each other for a whole year. That’s plausible. This time was so bad though. She broke up with him and he fucking raped her. Just the thought of someone using her that way makes me sick.

I have never hated anyone more in life.

I had to make her tell me every detail too, no matter how much I didn’t want to hear it. The part that made me the most relieved was when he used a condom so there’s no chance she could have that little fuckers baby inside of her. After that I had to listen about every time he touched her, caressed her, bruised her. Every thought makes me sick. I thought all of her bruises were from the accident, but I was wrong, so wrong.

“Can I see them all?” I ask her and she gulps, nodding. She slowly lifts up her shirt, but not high enough to the point where I’d see her breasts. I understand that she doesn’t want anybody to be intimate with her at this point in time. I run my fingers over the marks that cover her body as a whole, my anger bubbling up. She pulls down her shirt again, tears brimming her eyes.

“I’ve never seen him so rough with anyone before Harry. I was so scared,” she admits to me and I wrap my arms around her again. She just shakes her head, holding back tears.

“I need to shower, I can still feel his touch and I feel disgusting,” she tells me, causing me to clench my fists. No one as sweet as Snow should have had to go through that. I nod and start to lean forward to kiss her until I realize that she probably doesn’t want that. She attempts a smile and heads to the bathroom. I hear the water start as she discards her clothes, clothing the door. I walk over to the kettle and fill it up with water, turning on the burner. I’ll have some tea ready for her when she comes out. I go over to my luggage then and grab some clothes for her to wear.

I then open the bathroom door and place them on the sink, hearing her ugly crying again. I can’t resist the urge to check on her so I peak through the shower curtain to find her sitting down and the floor, rubbing her skin red with a cloth. I swear I even see blood in some areas. I turn off the water and grab her, wrapping a towel around her body and just sit her in my lap as she cries more. I kiss her hands softly as she cries into my chest, rocking her back and forth on the floor.

“He won’t ever touch you again. I promise,” I tell her as I kiss her forehead. I wish that taking away the pain would be just as easy. She just fists my shirt and cries some more. I hold her until she’s about to fall asleep.

“Snow baby? I’ve made you some tea and you need to get dressed,” I tell her and she nods. I stand up with her and hand her the clothes, hesitating to leave her alone. I decide to trust her a little bit and go to finish the tea, making it just the way I know she’d like it. I bring the mug over to her as she leaves the bathroom and sits on the bed. She seems to be like a zombie, void of any emotion. Tears no longer stream down her face as she sits in the bed, bringing the blanket up. She gratefully takes the mug from me, sipping some of her tea down as I climb into the bed next to her. She sets her tea aside and I bring her close to me, holding her under my arm as she wraps herself around me. She lays her head on my chest and just stays there, breathing steadily. I run my fingers through her damp hair and slowly go down to her back where I let my fingers drag along, making intricate shapes that are just more calming. Soon enough she’s asleep and I’m just sitting there, trying to figure out what to do about this whole mess.

“Hi. What’s going on?” Niall says barging into my room. I gave them a spare although I’m regretting it as of this moment. Louis comes in right after, confused as well.

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