Chapter 45: Suspects

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Chapter 45: Suspects 

*POV: Harry*

Well, at least I can say my life is never boring, although I wish it was sometimes. For a particular instance, I mean now.

I wish that I could just wake up and be a normal lad getting ready to visit his best friend for the summer. I wish that I didn’t wake up in a new country every week or two. I wish that my best friend wasn’t always bouncing in to trouble. I wish that I knew everything that was going to happen. I want to just be sitting on the couch, watching TV every day and eating to our hearts desires. I want to go back to the times where I fancied Snow and she had no clue. I want to go back to the endless sleepovers in her room where she’d try to make me sleep on the floor. I miss all of our little adventures though we had very few. I miss her smiling all the time. Hell, I miss smiling all the time.

All I can do now is worry.

Snow and I have caused a lot of problems for ourselves without realizing it. If I wouldn’t have been a pussy and just told her that I fancied her in the first place all those years ago, we could be happy and not worrying about half the things that we’re worrying about right now. Snow probably wouldn’t be pregnant. She wouldn’t have been involved with Zach anymore so she wouldn’t have been raped. She wouldn’t be at the police station right now for god knows what.

Love is a complicated thing.

Sighing, I plop on to my bed again, excited that we don’t have a concert tonight. I just need to sit back and relax. I need time to collect all of my thoughts and that’s what I plan on doing right now.

Most of the stress in my life right now is caused from Snow if I’m being honest. Don’t get me wrong, I love the girl with all my heart, but she’s a handful. I know that I can’t blame her for it considering I’m partially the reason that this happened too. I have as much blame to take as her. I just don’t like the stress revolving around me. I want it all to end, but I know that if it meant losing Snow then I’d endure this and ten times worse.

My phone starts ringing, startling me a bit as I am not expecting a call so late. Slowly, I press the answer button.

“Harry? Did you tell?” a familiar voice says cracking and my heart aches for my baby girl.

“Told? What do you mean baby? What happened? Have you been crying?” I bombard with questions yet again. It’s also another thing I’m sick of, but I’ll do it because I care.

“The police knew about Zach! I had to give them a statement and everything. Did you tell? Oh please tell me that you didn’t tell. Alee didn’t,” she tells me, sobbing a bit making my heart quench.

“I can assure you that this is news to me. I promise you that I haven’t told anyone no matter how much I would have liked too. I wouldn’t do that to you,” I tell her. I hear a deep breath on the other side of the phone.

“Would Louis or Niall have?” she asks. Shit, she forgot Zayn. Wait, she doesn’t even know Zayn knows. Poor Liam. He doesn’t know anything.

“I don’t believe so. I’ll go ask them,” I tell her.

“Okay. Call me back,” she says and I nod, hanging up. Wait, she couldn’t see me. Stupid Harry. I slowly make my way towards the room where all the lads are hanging out. They’re surprised to see me, but I don’t care. One of them must have told.

“Who the fuck told the police?” I nearly growl, quite angry myself. I know that this will be a good thing in the end, a relief to me, but I know that my girlfriend didn’t want it and she’s upset so I must act upon it.

“Told what mate?” Liam laughs a bit confused.

“Zach,” I reply simply and I notice the way that Louis, Zayn and Niall’s face drops. They did, didn’t they?

“The police know? How?” Louis asks seemingly confused as he straightens up, taking a step forward being brave.

“I don’t know. It wasn’t me, Alee or Snow that told them. She’s probably checking Madelyne right now, but other than that only you three know,” I say, quite confused at how they’re reacting. How could they have not told?

“I don’t know who told, but I’m glad it got out. That fucker needs to go to jail and you would have never done anything about it,” Niall says.

“Of course I wouldn’t have done anything! She’s my girl and I respect her choices even if I don’t agree with them,” I snap, obviously frustrated.

“What’s going on?” Liam asks, confused for very obvious reasons. Fuck. I might as well tell him now.

“Snow was raped by Zach around the time that I first slept with her. We don’t even know if the twins are mine. She didn’t want people to know because she thinks no one would believe and now it’s five months later and everyone’s going to know,” I explain quickly, too upset to go in to the details.

“Wait, what?” Liam asks, attempting to process everything. I don’t even have time to explain before I leave the room and dial her up again.

“Hello?” she sniffles in to the line.

“Hey baby. You need to calm down. Everything will be fine,” I tell her.

“Did they tell Harry?” she asks.

“No,” I sigh. I know that she’s going to be so stressed out that she doesn’t know and I know that I will be too. I think the both of us just really need a vacation right now.

“Madelyne didn’t either. I don’t understand,” she says.

“Baby, you just need to go to bed. Just take a break and maybe you’ll remember somebody else who knows. I’ll work on thinking too. Just go relax. Let me worry about it for a bit,” I tell her.

“You’re the best. I’ll call you when I wake,” she replies.

“I love you.”

“Love you more,” she responds hanging up. All I do is return to my room, pounding my head over who it could be.

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