Chapter 46: Graduation

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Chapter 46: Graduation

*POV: Snow*

The last day of school has officially snuck up on me. I forgot that my last lessons were last week and I never got to say goodbye to my favorite teachers, a list that Mr. Green used to be on until Harry helped me realize that he must’ve been the one to have told.

Alee made me come to our graduation though I didn’t want to walk. I just wanted to stay home and mop and all that fun stuff, but she made me leave saying that this was an important day of my life. I mean, I suppose it is considering that I probably won’t be attending so this was my very last year of school. I guess that’s monumental.

I’ve happened to already walk and my smile is huge at the sight of my friend receiving her diploma finally though I’m not excited for the man that follows her, Zach. He gets a lot of cheers and just the mere sound makes me want to vomit and I nearly do. I’m glad that he’s the last one because that means that I can leave. I just want to go home without any confrontations today and I know if I stay longer I’ll run in to Zach or Green and I really don’t want to cause a scene on such a “happy” day.

“We did it!” Alee screamed as she runs over to me, embracing me in a hug. I smile back at her, trying my best to be happy too.

“I know! Hurry and go say bye to your other friends. I want to go,” I plead and she rolls her eyes, but complies. We all know that this will probably be the last time she’ll see most of them.

“Snow, can we talk?” a voice says taping on my shoulder. With a chill running down my spine I turn around to see the one person that I didn’t want to see on this day, Zach.

“What do we possibly have to talk about?” I groan, the babies kicking about.

“The babies of course. Are they mine?” he asks me and all this anger I have been keeping at bay just explodes.

“I don’t even fucking know, okay? Even if they were I wouldn’t let you near them. You may not have realized it, but you did a sick fucked up thing to me and I would never want these children growing up or being around a man who could be worthy of such a bad thing,” I snap, my eyes searching for Alee. I can’t be here any longer.

“Oh I heard about your accusations at the police station. They talked to me the other night and plan on calling you back in. We all know you enjoyed what happened between us. You love me. And I want to be around those babies if they’re mine,” Zach says and I feel like my world is spinning.

“Enjoyed it? Why do you think I ran away? I was in love with Harry, Zach. Not you. I just wanted to have a civilized break-up and you forth longed it by doing what you did to me. You were a good kid at one point and I never expected that you would do something like the horrendous thing you did. And I didn’t rat you out. I haven’t told anyone. It was my dirty secret,” I spat at him, wanting to run away. I nearly smile when I see Alee approaching me.

“Then who the fuck told?” Zach asks. This little sentence that he has sound in spite out of anger gives me hope that he knows what he did. He didn’t deny it for once. He’s just angry that people know. He doesn’t like the fact that now he can’t pull the innocence act on other women and it makes me sick.

“Excuse me, what is going on? This is supposed to be a joyous occasion,” the one other person in the world that I don’t want to see says approaching us. I glare at him.

“Well you know what Mr. Green? If you would’ve kept your mouth shut about what I told you in confidentiality we wouldn’t be having this problem right now,” I snap, noticing the eyes that are starting to turn towards us.

“I was just trying to help Snow. You needed to be at peace and you were nowhere near that and I figured this would help you,” he says, looking at me with a smile to ease the passing faces.

“Yeah well it didn’t. Fuck you both,” I reply holding in tears yet again before running away. I think the most betrayal I felt was from Mr. Green. I always knew that love was never an easy thing. I knew that Zach would betray me in one way or another so I was prepared, but Mr. Green was a whole other story. He was that favorite teacher that got along with the students. He was goofy and made teaching fun. He always encouraged me to go after my dreams and now I feel as if everything has been a lie. He’s just a backstabber that throws away your trust once he receives it.

The moment I’m away from everyone, I don’t cry. That’s one thing I’m done with. Instead, I just sit on the curb, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I just need to focus on the positive from now on and not the negative. The negative is what keeps bringing me down and I bet if I was positive about things, they’d pass and be over with.

Yeah. Let’s try positive.

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