Chapter 6: A Bit Forward

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Chapter 6: A Bit Forward

*POV: Snow*

I throw yet another one of Josh's toys in the toy box. My aunt Michelle asked me to clean his room for her and then she'd pay me even more before we go to the movie. I couldn't turn down an offer like that. Besides, it's the least I can do with my brothers leaving the place trashed every weekend.

I blast my music on my phone, plugging it into the speaker. Currently it's playing "Wipe Your Eyes" by Maroon 5. I'm singing this song using all of my lungs, sounding semi-alright instead of the norm of me sucking. I don't even notice when the door opens and Harry walks in until I hear him laughing. I immediately stop and he frowns with a grin on his face.

"Why'd you stop? This is one of the times that you were even close to remotely good!" he tells me and I gasp, knowing that he's right and smack his shoulder playfully. He just laughs more.

"What're you doing here?" I ask him as I sit on the floor, organizing the toys on the shelf better and shoving the little ones into his bucket.

"I thought we were going to a movie?" he asks me.

"And Taylor's okay with that?" I almost laugh. I turn around to see him avoiding eye contact as he nods.

"What happened?" I ask him. This isn't the first time that he's came to me when he's had girlfriend problems.

"I sort of told her that I came here last night and she kicked me out. No big deal," he says trying to shrug it off, but my eyes widen at the information.

"She kicked you out?" I yell confused. He just nods his head.

"When the hell did this happen?" I ask him.

"An hour ago. We were skiing and I told her 'cos she was complaining about how sucky the equipment was. Not that I wasn't going to tell her already," he quickly adds the last part. I frown at him.

"You shouldn't of come to see me yesterday Harry," I scold and he frowns. I'm glad that he did, but he shouldn't have.

"I needed to Snow. I thought you weren't mad at me anymore," he says getting a bit worked up. I can't blame him honestly. I'm kind of just a real big bitch.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure that things will be fine. You just need a bit of a break. Things can go back to normal after a bit, but she needs to cool down and then you can make it up to her," I advise him even though I don't really like Taylor. I'm not going to tell him that he can't be happy. I mean, I've moved on.

"You really think that things'll be fine?" he asks me and I nod.

"I'm positive. I mean, she can't be worse than me," I support and he laughs.

"You've got that right," he says as I finish up with the room. I gesture for him to get off the bed so I can make the bed. He does as I say, helping me even.

"What movie are we going to see later?" he asks me as we leave the bedroom. I turn off the music and we sit around the counter to where my aunt is cooking an early dinner.

"I was thinking that the boys could go and watch Monster Inc. in 3D and you older kids could watch Playing For Keeps. Maybe my girlfriend and I could join you too," my aunt answers him. He raises a brow, surprised that she found someone.

"That sounds lovely although I wouldn't mind seeing Monsters Inc," Madelyne says entering the kitchen followed by her little sister. Her parents must've just dropped them off. They never just let them stay.

"You could go see that too," Michelle tells her, but she just shakes her head in disapproval.

"I want to see something new," she says surprising me because that's her favorite movie. Soon enough, Michelle is done cooking and is dishing us out some chili-mac. It sounds disgusting, but I'm glad that I tried it.

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