Chapter 34: Apartment

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Chapter 34: Apartment

*POV: Snow*

Ten. We’ve looked at ten apartments so far.

We started with low-class ones, me wanting to be able to afford one myself, but Harry kept insisting that I have a nice one for the babies and I. Alee and my aunt kept agreeing with him, but I want to be able to afford a place on my own and not depend entirely on him. It never turns out good if you depend so much on somebody else.

“What about this one babe?” Harry asks, wrapping his arm around my waist. I lean in to his side. If I’m being honest here, I wouldn’t have minded any of the apartments that we’ve looked at. They’ve all been nice and I wouldn’t mind as long as I had somewhere to live in general.

This one is exceptionally nice though.

It’s white practically everywhere. The counters are spotless and the cabinets are a nice blue color. It’s empty, but I have ideas of what furniture I could put it. I’m just afraid that with two babies it might get messy and I don’t want that on such a nice place.

“It’s too white,” I whisper to him, hoping he’ll catch on. I know that he’s getting annoyed, but I’m just answering him honestly.

“Snow…,” he warns, obviously just wanting to settle in for now.

“I don’t want the children to make it messy or ruin the place,” I tell him.

“You say that about every place though,” he counters and I shut my mouth. I have if I’m being honest, but that’s only because I feel bad about ruining such a new place.

“I’m sorry. I’m just paranoid,” I tell him.

“It’s okay baby. Everything will be fine. I’ll baby proof the place and I can pay for any repairs needed. I promise,” he tells me. I feel a bit of relief, but I don’t want him paying for everything. I’m not helpless and what if the children aren’t even his? I’d feel even worse.

“You’re too good to me,” I tell him. He just smiles, pressing his lips to mine slightly.

“You deserve to be treated well,” he tells me before looking towards the man who’s showing us the apartment. At least he isn’t attractive or dressed skanky like the girl at the last one.

“We’ll take this one,” he tells her and I watch Alee’s eyes widen in surprise. I can tell she’s excited and I can’t blame her.

“Alright. If I could just have you guys sign a few papers then everything will be set for you guys to move in when you’re ready,” the guy says and I smile at him. I can’t believe I’m going to have a place of my own finally. It’s surreal. I thought that I would have to wait longer, but I am eighteen and legally am able to live on my own.

“Can you sign here?” he says and I nod as he proceeds to tell us all the rules about the place. They don’t seem too hard to follow. No loud noises after nine, no pets unless you’re paying for them to be here ect. Easy peasy.

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