Chapter Three: Kian & Jc

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Chapter Three: Kian & Jc


Lily stayed the night but had to go home early the next day because she had a proper person job. Even if it was just Starbucks as she kept telling me. she wanted to make YouTube videos and live the good life, I had to tell her straight that the good life only comes with years of hard work. It wasn't going to be as easy for her as it was for me and Joe to climb the YouTube ladder because we had Zoe who was already a popular youtuber. Most youtubers spend years gaining a loyal fan base, lily needed to think these things over before she quit her paying job. She could make videos while still working but she wouldn't be able to keep a regular schedule like me, I didn't purposely mean to put her off but hardly anyone became internet famous overnight.

I was still trying to distract myself from last night's turn of events between Ellie and Eric at the failed speed dating event. I'd received two messages when I woke up, one was from Ellie asking if I was feeling better after Rachel told her I had taken ill and the second was from Eric. It looked like Ellie stopped sucking his face enough to give him my number, in the message he said he wanted to meet up sometime as he really liked me. I scoffed and in my anger I sent a rather blunt text message.

Alice: You appeared to get along better with Ellie. Or was it another girl I saw you necking in the smoking area? Delete my number please.

Eric didn't text back which didn't surprise me one little bit. I knew I had to get out of bed at some point today since Kian and Jc had asked me to film a video with them. I hadn't seen either since Playlist so we arranged filming for today.

"What's up little Sugg? Lily told me everything."

Joe popped his head around my bedroom door; in his hands was a mug of what I expected to be tea. I smiled weakly at my twin not even bothering to correct him since he was only a couple of minutes older than me. He pushed open the door and shuffled towards the bed, I gratefully accepted the tea while Joe jumped on the other side of the bed and got under the sheets with me. Since we were little whenever one of us were feeling down the other would climb into their bed and comfort them. I sipped the warm beverage and placed it on my bedside table before sliding up to Joe who opened his arms and engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Why do I have such a bad record with guys Joe? Maybe I'm not supposed to have a happy ending just yet."

"Don't say that sis. Never say that, one day we'll both get our happily ever after. Trust me."

I couldn't help but smirk as Joe spoke about him getting a happily ever after. He already had someone right in front of him who adored him and vice versa. He was a typical guy, blind to a girl that loved him.

"Joe you like Lily. Lily likes you, I approve. Maybe she could be your happily ever after."

Joe snorted and shoved me playfully.

"Lily doesn't like me, does she?"

I laughed at the confusion in Joe's voice. How could my brother be so blind? I leant over and ruffled his hair; he pouted and attempted to tame the mess I'd created. I took the opportunity to open the camera on my phone and take a couple of selfies, Joe noticed and stopped playing with his hair and began posing alongside me. We were in fits of laughter by the end of our little photo session which I made sure to upload on Twitter and Instagram so fans could go overboard with our sibling cuteness. I put my phone down and turned over to face Joe.

"Lily really likes you Joe. Anyone can see you that the two of you would be the perfect couple. My fans like her so why wouldn't yours."

I threw the sheets off me and clambered out of the bed, helping Joe realise that he could have a relationship with one of my new best friends here in LA had lightened my mood. I managed to shove Joe out of my bed and out of the room telling him to hurry up and ask Lily out.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now