Chapter Thirteen: Smoothies & Best Friend

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Chapter Thirteen: Smoothies & Best Friends


Waking up I felt excited for the day, it was like I had more energy than normal which wasn't like me. Maybe it was because I was spending the day with Phil who I hadn't properly seen since he came to LA with Dan. When the two of us got together LA better prepare themselves because we could be unpredictable, though most likely we'd play Pokémon so I could beat Phil some more. I threw on some grey skinny jeans with rips in the knees and paired it with my light blue tank that had Squirtle and Charmander eating an ice cream but because Charmander was fire his had melted and he was upset, I slipped on some paint covered Vans and threw my hair into a messy bun before doing a like makeup.

I took a couple of pictures and put them on Instagram proud that I actually looked good at this time in the morning, it was 10:30am and I didn't normally get out of bed until midday so Phil should count himself lucky.

As I scrolled through my emails one in particular caught my eye from Penguin, the publishing house who'd published Zoe's Girl Online series. I sat down on one of the stools in the kitchen and opened the email from her editor and nearly dropped my phone. They wanted me to send in the first two chapters of my book to see if they would give me a book deal like Zoe, how they found out was a mystery. My money was on Zoe when she had a meeting about her second book Girl Online: On Tour.

I didn't care what time it was in England I needed some answers from my sister. I dialled her number and waited for her to answer and while I waited I got myself an apple and poured myself a glass of tropical juice. She picked up on the final ring her voice groggy because I'd obviously woke her up.

"Alice. It's early here what do you want?"

I took a bite of my apple and sighed.

"I got an interesting email from your publisher asking for the first two chapters of my novel. Do you know anything about this?"

I heard shuffling on the other end of the line as Zoe sat up in bed, so it was her.

"You told me your idea and so I told my editor who liked the idea. I didn't know they would email you but surely it's a great opportunity little sis."

Zoe was right it was a great opportunity to get my story out there so people could know the truth. But could I write a novel exploiting my journey into the YouTube spotlight and the troublesome encounters with male youtubers and crazy fans? I might hurt some people close to me and even changing their names and personalities might not fool all the fans. I wanted to write my story so people knew it not just from my point of view but everyone involved. I'd made my mind up on the spot.

"Zoe I think I'm going to attempt it."

"That's great news Alice; maybe we can both be bestsellers together. It might also light a fire under Joe to finish his graphic novel. Now I'm going back to bed goodnight little sis and good luck writing."

I said goodbye and hung up, now I just needed to find the time to write two chapters and send them to be reviewed. But firstly I had a meeting with a big lion and a smoothie. I opened up my Twitter and composed a tweet; I liked to keep my fans updated.

@ASugg: Looks like I might be the second Sugg to get a book deal...hopefully they like the story I have to tell...

The drive to Dan and Phil's hotel was around twenty minutes but with traffic I got there in around forty and noticed Phil sitting outside waiting for me. I parked in the hotel car park because the smoothie place was a five minute walk and made my way over to him. As I neared I noticed he was in deep concentration on his 3DS.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now