Chapter Twenty Five: Brighton Pt.1

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Chapter Twenty Five: Brighton Pt.1

~4 Days Later~


I was busy preparing the house for the arrival of my girlfriends who were coming to Brighton for a couple of days so we could catch up and relax. Tanya and Louise were arriving by midday while Alice and Carrie were coming down in the evening due to Carrie's theatre commitment. Alfie was packing the last of his laptop and camera because I'd shipped him off to Marcus so he didn't interrupt all the girl talk that was going to happen.

I liked to keep a clean house, yes Alfie and I had moved to a bigger house and it required more work but I did like a good project. Though some guilt was eating away at me because of what I'd heard from the publishing house, that might have been contributing to keeping myself busy before my sisters arrival. I enquired about the third book in my Girl Online series and since Alice and I shared the same editor I may or may not have asked how Alice's book was coming along. I'd read Alice's redraft of the chapter that painted Dan in a bad light but according to the editor more than a few 'tweaks' had been made to add to the drama. It was in the contract that we had help with the story from the writing and editing team, but I didn't know how I felt about them changing Alice's book and not really telling her by how much.

Alice and Dan were in a good place with their relationship and kept going strength to strength but he hadn't seen the redraft and was going off Alice's word that she changed it. He was going to be devastated when he picked up a copy and read the chapter, he'd blame Alice when it wasn't her fault. I was fighting with myself whether or not I should break the news to her. The book launch was less than a month away and she had a lot on her plate, maybe the tweaks weren't that bad. Maybe it was just my mind jumping to negative conclusions, after all I trusted this publishing house with my own work and they wouldn't purposely sabotage Alice's book or relationship.

"What are you thinking about babe?"

Alfie wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed the top of my head, he knew all the drama and said it was up to me whether or not I told my sister before the book launch or acted like I didn't know about the changes.

"I'm thinking whether or not I should tell Alice? She'll be devastated and possibly pull the book which she's worked so hard on. Maybe I could play dumb to knowing, that way our family stays together."

Alfie sighed heavily.

"I'll stick by you Zoe, but we don't want a repeat of the Caspar or list drama. Secrets nearly tore you and Alice apart on more than one occasion and this time might just push the two of you over the edge."

I knew he was right, but I wanted to keep my sister happy. I'd deal with consequences if it came to the worse. I just needed to keep it secret while she was over for a relaxing break.

"Thanks Alfie, now get you sweet ass out of here before the girls arrive. This is a no boy zone for the next couple of days."

Before Alfie could reply the doorbell rang and I knew immediately that my girls Tanya and Louise had arrived.



To surprise Zoe both Carrie and I decided to get a taxi to hers instead of making her drive all the way to the train station when she had to keep Tanya and Louise entertained. Apparently they'd gone out for lunch so we were ordering Takeaway and having a movie and spa night. Zoe had also made the rule that we couldn't contact our boyfriends or husbands during the trip so the taxi ride was silent as Carrie and I spent the journey messaging our boyfriends who approved of the idea.

I really was in love with Brighton; I use to call it my home when I still lived with Zoe. Back when I was in my siblings' shadows and the whole internet didn't know who I really was. Time had flown and I'd grown up so much, I loved London too much to ever move back to Brighton. If I had to move anywhere outside London it would be LA. Brighton held memories of PJ and how he found me that when I was taking a picture of a seagull stealing someone's ice cream, and how before he knew my last night we went out for ice cream and my siblings gushed that he'd taken my vlogging virginity. I was happy we were back on speaking terms after our disastrous short lived relationship.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now