Chapter Eighteen: Actions Have Consequences

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Chapter Eighteen: Actions Have Consequences


On the ride back to the apartment all I could do was relive that kiss. There was definitely a spark still there between us, who was I kidding the spark had been burning from the first time we saw each other in Joe and Caspar's flat before they went to see One Direction. We could have easily taken it further and we would have if it wasn't for the fact we were stood in a public car park. Yes Dan and I were toxic but when we were together we were addictive, we were each other's drug and it was hard to shake the habit once we started. I didn't really have these feelings with anyone else.

When I put the key in the front door I was stopped when I heard yelling coming from the other side. I had to double check I had the right apartment, but who was shouting? When I left everything seemed so peaceful. I had to get to the bottom of this before I shared my own problems.

In the lounge Joe and Caspar were at each other's throats while Lily stood back with a look of shock on her face.

"I saw the messages Caspar; I know you and Lily are doing something together behind my back. First you had my sister and now you have to have Lily as well, what's your problem mate? Are you jealous or something?"

Was Caspar going behind Joe's back with Lily? I shook my head because that didn't make any sense. Lily and Joe were in love, hell Lily told me all the details about her and Joe despite the fact it sometimes made me feel uncomfortable because Joe was my twin.

"Joe I never did anything with Lily. You saw those messages and got the wrong idea. I'm not jealous of you Joe, why would I be? We're best friends."

"Then why the flirting? That's not how two friends communicate Caspar. The only person who should be flirting with Lily is me, her boyfriend."

I was really confused now as I shuffled up to Lily who looked on the verge of tears. She wiped away a stray tear and clung onto me.

"I didn't do anything wrong Alice. You have to believe me."

I hugged her back and patted her back; I didn't quite know what to believe anymore.

"Let me see the messages then Lily."

Lily sighed and handed me her phone reluctantly. Joe and Caspar were now looking over at us. Joe looked pissed off while Caspar had a pleading look in his eyes that said he wanted me to believe him. It looked like I would be the decider on the matter. If Lily and Caspar were doing anything behind Joe's back then I would have to side with my twin who always took my side in the past.

I scrolled through the messages between Lily and Caspar and noticed a trend. There were a few kisses and winky faces and the occasional scattering of flirty lines but then I saw that it was a group message. It wasn't just Caspar and Lily in this conversation; in fact I was in it along with Zoe and Alfie. I pulled out my own phone and opened the message app and noticed a request from Caspar about joining a group chat labelled 'surprise party'. I made an 'oh' shape with my mouth and handed Lily her phone back before turning to face Joe.

"Err Joe I think there has been a misunderstanding between you, Caspar and Lily. These messages aren't what you think they are about. It turns out Zoe, Alfie and I are also involved in this group message even if we didn't know."

Joe tilted his head to the side wearing a confused expression.

"So you, Zoe and Alfie knew about Caspar and Lily all along. You're supposed to be my twin Alice."

"Guys I think it's time you told him the reason behind the group message."

Caspar swore under his breath and Lily chewed her lip. They were unbelievable, I was going to have to explain it to Joe.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now