Chapter Thirty Five: SITC

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Chapter Thirty Five: SITC

~4 Months Later~


"Are you nearly ready Dan? I'm a girl and pregnant and still take less time than you to get ready. You're hairs fine."

All I got in response from my fiancé was muffled sounds and something about a missing sock. For some reason I was really excited for Summer in the City, I had a feeling the next three days were going to be special. I had a meet and greet with my siblings and a couple of panels, quite frankly I just wanted to meet my fans face to face.

Looking down at my balloon baby bump, I had considered not attending because the baby was due in a month. Dan knew arguing with me was useless, I was a Sugg and we win arguments. London was experiencing a heat wave so I had a floral summer dress on, minus the pink hair I could pass as Zoe. Maybe I could vlog my outfit? Then I thought better.

"Do you have water Alice? Can't have you or my little boy dehydrated."

Dan emerges from the bedroom before disappearing into the kitchen. We'd found out the gender of the baby and Dan was over the moon that we were having a boy. I smile as Dan walks into the living room holding two water bottles.

"What would we do without your daddy little one?"

"Crash and burn Sugg, crash and burn."

He gets on his knees in front of me and puts his hands on the bump grinning like a mad man.

"Can you believe that the two of us made this happen?"

I shake my head and help him back to his feet before pecking him on the lips.

"I sure can Dan. Now we're late and the taxis outside."

He pecks my lips back before entwining his fingers through mine.

"Let's go meet our adoring fans Miss Sugg."

~Skip Taxi Ride~

The taxi had to stop around the corner from ExCel London because of the growing crowds. Youtubers had a side entrance we had to go through in order to sign in and get our passes for the three day event. But we still had to walk past some fans. Dan and I stop for a few minutes taking pictures and signing autographs. I got asked about the baby and told fans they would have to wait for the birth to know the gender just like our friends and family.

Once inside the venue Dan keeps his arms around my shoulders so we weren't separated. Signing in was easy for us and we collected our passes before being herded towards the green room.


I turn to my left and was nearly tackled by my brother, but Dan kept him at bay scowling.

"She's eight months pregnant Joe, you can't tackle her."

"Sorry Dan, I'm just excited to be an uncle. Plus some energy drink firm is sponsoring the event and I may be on my third can."

Joe scuffs his shoes and looks down at the floor as Dan scolds him and he tries to defend himself. Dan was getting into dad mode. I put a reassuring hand on Dan's shoulder to calm him down.

"Leave him alone Daniel, now I'm going to sit down."

I found the seating area and was visibly surprised to see Kian, JC and Andrea. Kian and Andrea looked like a cute soppy couple while JC sat on his phone looking bored. I clear my throat and he looks up and cracks a smile.

"Alice, damn girl you got big."

"Thanks JC, it's good to see you as well."

He gets up and we manage to hug around the bump. Kian and Andrea both get up next to hug me, but not individually like normal people. No we became a four way hug crush.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now