Chapter Thirty Six: SITC Baby

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Only one more chapter after this one and then an epilogue...Alice Sugg is nearly coming to an end :(

Chapter Thirty Six: SITC Baby


I couldn't quite believe Alice's water broke at a YouTube event, the baby hadn't even been born yet and he was already a youtuber like his parents. On the inside I was freaking out but I had to keep my cool around my friends. Phil, Chris, PJ and I got in one taxi while the other four got in the second one.

"I never thought in a million years that Dan would be the first one of us to settle down and father a child."

PJ cracks his knuckles while staring out of the window at the passing traffic.

"Yeah, but he seems like he's got all his shit under control. Isn't that right Howell?"

I turn to face Chris and put on a nervous smile which no one buys, Phil pats my knee which was shaking.

"Dan you're allowed to be nervous. You're having a baby."

"I'm shitting myself guys, it's been nice up till now but now it's real. I'm going to be responsible for a life, what if I mess up bad?"

I finally manage to let out the breath I'd been holding. My friends all wore different expressions, probably wondering why I'd kept this bottled up so long. It was simple really; I didn't want to stress Alice out because it could be bad for the baby. Phil scratches the back of his head, hopefully my best friend at some pearls of wisdom.

"I don't know what it's like to be a dad Dan, but I'm pretty sure you and Alice will make some mistakes. But you'll learn from them and become better parents."

"He's right Dan, first time parents struggle at first. But you and Alice will love your child and give it the best life possible. Besides you'll have your friends and family to help out if needed."

Chris nods after PJ's little speech.

"You're not facing this alone Dan, it takes two to make a baby and Alice is currently pushing yours out of her. When you get to the hospital just be supportive and let her yell at you."

Chris was right, although I didn't quite understand his message. I met PJ's eyes and he shook his head before mouthing 'don't ask' behind Chris's back.

"We're here boys."

The taxi comes to a stop outside the hospital, now reality dawned on me, I was about to meet my son for the first time.

"Go Dan, we'll catch up once the others get here."

I do as Phil tells me and get out of the taxi and break into a sprint. The last time I ran this fast into the hospital was when Carrie told me Alice had woken up from her coma.

The nurses looked startled as I came to a halt by their desk, panting because I was out of breath. I really should exercise more.

"Can we help you sir?"

"My fiancés having a baby, her names Alice Sugg and she came in with one of her friends Finn Harries."

The nurse smiles warmly at me as she types something into the computer in front of her "are you a first time father?"

I nod and wave at my flustered body "Can you tell?"

"Take deep breaths, you'll be fine sir. Now Alice Sugg is on the maternity ward which is on the fourth floor, and she's in room 4d. Good luck."

I thank the nurse and make my way towards the bank of lifts trying to get my nerves under control. I had to be strong not only for me, but for Alice and the baby. As soon as I step out of the lift I'm met by a frantic looking Finn. He grabs my hand and starts dragging me down the hallway.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now