Chapter Twenty Nine: Book Launch

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Chapter Twenty Nine:  Book Launch


Tonight was the night, my book was having its launch party and all my YouTube friends were flying in to support me. I finally got my hands on a copy of the book this morning when it arrived by special courier, and from a quick scan everything looked to be tip top. Zoe arrived and distracted me from the book insisting that I had to spend the whole day getting ready because I wanted all eyes to be on me tonight. Carrie made up an excuse and retreated to her bedroom with her copy of the book.

It was nice to see my friends reactions on Twitter and Instagram, so far there had been nothing but positive reviews. Zoe had me trapped in my bathroom painting my nails and giving me a facial, because my skin was dry and needed a new lease of life.

"Hello Alice, Carrie, anyone here?"

Dan's voice rang through the flat and I squirmed out of Zoe's grasp and ran out of the bathroom. He saw me coming and opened his arms for me to jump, he caught me with ease and spun me around.

"If it isn't my girlfriend, the published author. I'm so proud of you Alice."

"Put me down Daniel or Zoe will have your head."

Dan complied and put me back on the floor but not before bending down and kissing me. Behind me Zoe fake gagged earning her a colourful gesture from me.

"Okay enough with the tongues children. Daniel I need to make my sister pretty. Go keep your horny mind occupied another way."

"Yes sir Zoe sir. I'll see you later Alice, I might spend the afternoon reading your book."

Dan left and I laughed before being dragged towards the bathroom again by Zoe. I was forced back into the chair and Zoe plugged in the curlers.

"Alice, we have a problem."

Carrie burst into the bathroom looking flustered and out of breath, she waved the book in front of my face and in the mirror I noticed Zoe visibly pale.

"Is there a typo or something Carrie?"

Carrie shook her head and opened the book to the chapter I'd made the most changes to. I read it and as I got further in my heart sank, this couldn't be happening. I'd made the changes to reflect better on Dan, but it looked like the editor had ignored me and put in the original chapter.

"How could this happen Carrie? I sent them a new draft, I have evidence of sending them the new draft they said they'd use instead."

"Why don't you ask Zoe, she's looking rather pale? Remember the butt dial in Brighton; we know she's lying about something."

I spun around in my chair and saw Zoe trying to look anywhere but at us.

"Sis, do you know something?"

She nodded and sunk down against the counter.

"I'm sorry Alice. I rang up because I had to check on the progress of my next book and I asked how yours was coming along. The editor said the chapter was more interesting in the original draft and that you'd signed the contract giving them permission to edit the book to appeal to a wider audience. That's probably why your book was delayed because they didn't want you to find out that they hadn't made the changes you requested."

So the publisher and editor had gone behind my back? Well they wouldn't be publishing the second and third book if I had any say in it. I told Dan I changed it to make him happier, now he was in his flat reading the book.

"Carrie, Dan's reading the book. He's going to hate me and then he's going to break up with me. Zoe, why the hell didn't you tell me sooner? Did you expect me not to find out?"

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now