Chapter Twenty One: Home Sweet Home

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Chapter Twenty One: Home Sweet Home

 ~1 Week Later~


Today was the day I was returning back to England. It was both a sad and happy day, it was sad because I was leaving my brother and Caspar as well as my best friend Lily and all the American youtubers who I'd had the privilege of recording with. But then it was also happy because I would be back in London living with Carrie and getting my first novel published, Dan was also an added bonus though he refused to give any details on where he was taking me on our date. LA was an eye opener for me and it was safe to say that I wouldn't forget my experiences anytime soon, but London was calling me back.

"Do you have to go Alice? I'm going to miss you like crazy. You introduced me to Joe, please don't go."

Lily had been hugging me for the last ten minutes in the middle of the terminal while Joe and Caspar watched from the side wearing upset expressions. Lily really had become my best friend out here and she was worried I was going to forget her once I returned to London; I could never forget this girl.

"You'll see me soon Lily, you're coming to my book launch and I'm pretty sure wherever Joe goes you do to."

I was trying to keep the tears back, I didn't want to cry in front of these three because then they would cry and people would give us even stranger looks then they were doing right now. I squeezed Lily one last time before she pulled away; I rubbed her shoulder and smiled at her. She smiled back.

"We're going to Skype every week until we see each other again Alice, besides I'm going to need someone to rant to about Joe. Plus you owe me some embarrassing stories I can hang over him."

"Okay break it up ladies, there will be no stories for you Lily because I'll have to kill my twin."

Lily and I laughed as Joe got in between us and shot me a look that read 'don't you even think about it'. I raised my hands in mock surrender and pulled my twin into a hug.

"I know I'm going to see you soon Joe but I've loved being out here with you. I needed a break from London and LA has surely been a roller coaster, but I think it's time I return to a semi-normal life."

Joe shakes his head and hugs me back.

"Life is never normal for a youtuber, especially a Sugg who has a book deal. First Zoe, then you and now me. I swear the three of us need a reality TV show based on our lives."

Joe got offered a book deal two weeks after I did and unlike Zoe and I who planned to release young adult books, Joe wanted to write and draw a comic book which I couldn't wait to see. A reality TV show about our lives and our friends would surely be an interesting watch; I bet we could break the internet faster than Kim Kardashian with all our drama.

Over Joe's shoulder I saw Caspar shuffle on the spot; I think I was going to miss him the most. I knew he wasn't happy about me reconnecting with Dan and giving him a second chance, but he put on a fake smile and told me he would support me. Feelings didn't go away overnight and I still didn't fully know just how long he'd been crushing on me, maybe the calice ship was never meant to sail.

"Come here Casp I'm not leaving with one of your infamous hugs."

Caspar smiled and took Joe's spot almost squeezing the life out of me which made me chuckle.

"Don't get in any more trouble Alice; you're drawn to it like a mouth to a flame. Find something good and stick with it."

He whispered the last part before kissing my forehead, it was a sweet gesture and my heart did break for this boy. He said I needed to find something good when really he was in the same boat as me.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now