Chapter Seventeen: Friends Again Or Maybe More?

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Chapter Seventeen: Friends Again Or Maybe More?


When I woke up the next day I had a new email from Zoe's editor that I was afraid to open in case he didn't like what I sent him. I'd also sent the part to Zoe and had heard nothing from her so that made me feel more nervous. I would open the email when I'd built up enough courage. I also had a message from Dan of all people.

DAN: Phil and I aren't in LA much longer and I was wondering if you wanted to meet up just the two of us. Maybe grab a coffee and talk about things, we've both had enough time and its better if we get everything out in the open like mature adults.

I was gobsmacked to say the least by the message, since when did Dan want to talk about us? That was clearly the subject even though he didn't outright admit it in words. Yes after meeting Fall Out Boy and hanging out with him again I did start thinking about 'us' but it was just odd that it was Dan initiating contact when I assumed it would be me. Was he growing up? Did we both need to mature? It would get my mind off the email from the editor.

Alice: Err sure that sounds good...let's not get coffee it's a little cliché and overrated if you ask me...I could pick you up at your hotel and we go get smoothies or ice cream if you want? Or I could just meet you at the place I went with Phil? Yeah let's do that...sorry about my rambling...

I sounded like an idiot once I reread the sent message. Why was I suddenly left speechless and unable to form a coherent sentence? I thought I'd have a lot to say but now I was timid and shy completely the opposite of me. Why did Dan affect me this way? I missed the simpler days when we didn't have an 'us' to worry about.

Dan: Haha no problem Alice...I'll meet you where you and Phil went in about an hour if that's okay with you? Yes I've become one of those people who say haha in messages...

I couldn't help but smile, I remembered the day Dan and I were on the sofa both on Tumblr and he started bitching about people who wrote haha or lol in messages. He was so passionate about the subject, he may or may not have made a rant video on it but I wasn't too sure. Maybe our meeting wouldn't be as awkward as I was picturing.

Alice: An hour is good for me as I literally just got up...see you then also lol

Dan: And I thought I was lazy...I hand you the crown and bow down to your laziness

I switched the phone to silent as I got ready. I needed to look cute while at the same time saying I'm not trying too hard but also look at what you're missing Dan. I gave up after twenty minutes of indecision and went with a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a dark purple blouse with black spots tucked in at the waist with my trusty Vans. I pretty much looked like I did everyday which was nothing special and I didn't exactly have time for hair and makeup or I'd be late. I threw on a beanie I 'borrowed' from Joe and did basic eyeliner and a lick of purple lipstick to match my blouse.

Traffic wasn't that much of a bitch today so I actually arrived just on time which I was proud of. I pulled into the car park and saw Dan standing awkwardly by the door of the shop scrolling on his phone trying to look busy; he wore his trademark black attire which looked out of place in the LA weather. Grabbing my bag off the seat I got out of the car and made my way towards him the nerves from early slowly returning as I neared.

"Hi Dan, maybe we should go inside. You looked awkward as hell, which I guess is no different than usual."

Dan chuckled and put his phone away before taking off my beanie and ruffled my hair much to my annoyance before plonking the beanie back on at an awkward angle.

"Love the hair Alice...I didn't mean it to sound as gay as it did...yeah let's go inside..."

Dan held the door open for me like a gentleman and I thanked him as we walked towards the counter. The nerves had faded again, at least we didn't have an awkward greeting otherwise this now would be a whole different vibe. I ordered a berry explosion while Dan went with plain lemonade despite the wide selection and my judgemental shaking of the head.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now