Chapter Twenty Two: River Date

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Chapter Twenty Two: River Date


I was rudely awoken from my slumber by an over excited Carrie, who took it upon herself to jump up and down on my bed like a maniac. I swore under my breath before taking one of my pillows and throwing it as hard as I could at her head. I never missed my target and it ceased her bouncing.

"Now that was just mean Alice."

I rolled my eyes and sat up in bed.

"No, what's mean Carrie is waking me up before midday. Why are you so excited?"

She climbed off my bed and handed me my phone off the bedside table. I opened it and discovered a new message from Dan which spiked my interest.

Dan: Tonight you and I, 6pm take a trip down the Thames and end with a lovely meal. A taxi will pick you up at 5:30pm, I've enlisted Carrie to help get you ready because that's what girls do right? Wear something formal and I can't wait to see you face to face and not through a screen xxx

So my date night was with Dan tonight, a little short notice but neither of us were known for are scheduling. That also explained why Carrie had taken it upon herself to wake me up before midday, she was going to take her job seriously.

"So I've already looked through your wardrobe and can't find anything suitable for a romantic dinner date on a boat. Get dressed loser, we're going shopping."

Carrie flicked her hair over her shoulder dramatically before bouncing out of the room, leaving me to fall back against my pillows and sigh. I had a feeling this was going to be a long time, but here was to hoping the date would be worth it. How did Dan know I'd always wanted to go on the Thames and have a fancy dinner on a boat? I don't exactly remember telling him. Zoe, now it all made sense. I had a sneaky feeling Dan asked for some help because he wanted to make this date super special, after the list incident I shunned him going to Zoe for advice on me. But it felt like he'd gone to a lot of effort and I hadn't even seen the finished result yet.

"Come on little Sugg, I'm not getting any younger out here. Plus we have a lot of work to do; your hair and makeup have to be on point as well as the outfit."

Carrie's sing song voice broke me out of my trance and I reluctantly climbed out of my warm bed. I didn't want to look too fancy, but every girl no matter how much of a tomboy she is loves an excuse to dress up and feel like a million dollars.

~Skip Shopping~

"Carrie I think we bought too much. Did we really need three pairs of heels?"

I slumped onto the sofa after a shopping trip that lasted a good chunk of the afternoon. Carrie slumped down next to me eyeing the bag with the shoes in and shook her head.

"We need options Alice, they all looked good on you but they might not all go with the dresses. Didn't your sister teach you anything, this is what she does right?"

I nodded and kicked a bag, I couldn't even remember what was inside we'd bought so much.

"Yeah, but mostly I ignored her and dressed how I wanted. How long do we have?"

Carrie pulled out her phone while I scrolled through my social media accounts answering fan messages and even going on a mini following spree on Instagram.

"The taxi will be here at half five, it's half three now which gives us two hours to make you into the belle of the ball."

I put my phone on charge and stood up.

"Let's get this show on the road Fletcher, make me look pretty."

~2 Hours Later~

"Just call me your fairy godmother Alice. I think I'm done."

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now