Chapter Fourteen: Fall Out Boy & Fall Outs Part 1

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Chapter Fourteen: Fall Out Boy & Fall Outs Part 1


The morning after my catch up with Phil I was pumped to be in the same room as Fall Out boy later in the day. They were my idols and Dance, Dance was my jam and the first song of theirs I heard before I fell head over heels in love with them. I would have to keep the fangirling to a minimal which would be hard but YouTube had taught me well. I knew for a fact that Dan and Phil made sure to fangirl before and afterwards interviewing them but never in front of them because it would be unprofessional.

On the bedside table my phone vibrated snapping me out of my Fall Out Boy thoughts. The message was from Kian and I took a deep breath before sliding my finger over unlock, as much as I was looking forward to today I was also dreading another part of it.

I'd come to the decision late last night that I needed to end it with Kian, he needed to be with Andrea. She was good for him where as I wasn't, I had a bad track record and no way did I want to tarnish his name. I had a feeling he would deny he still had feelings for his ex but I needed to assure him that I'd made it my mission along with Jenn to get them back together. We'd most likely stay friends and that's what I wanted, he was charming and funny and I didn't want to ruin the god memories we had despite our short relationship.

Jenn supported my decision and said she'd talk to Andrea, as much as she was Andrea's close friend she also cared about me and my feelings which was nice. Until I had my Carrie back Jenn would make a darn good replacement.

Kian: I'm on my way see you soon x

I couldn't put it off any longer, Lily was unaware of the situation that was about to go down in her Starbuck's. She was slowly warming to Kian and I had a sneaking suspicion she would judge me if I told her before hand, even if she didn't mean to do it in a hurtful way sometimes Lily didn't know how to filter conversations.

Alice: Getting in car now

Throwing the phone in my bag I ran my hand through my recently dyed hair, on the way back yesterday I stopped and bought myself some pink hair dye. It was time to bring the old Alice back and the familiar pink locks made me feel like everything was going to work out for me. I hadn't put any pictures on social media because I wanted to surprise Kian, Dan and Phil before the whole world knew. Louise would be ecstatic that the pink hair was back. Joe and Caspar knew, well Joe walked in on me drying my hair last night and called in Caspar who said it was as if he was looking at the old Alice with a better tan.

Slipping into my Vans I tucked the navy blue long sleeve blouse with white peter pan collar into my navy and white spotted skater skirt that I'd bought when I was out with Andrea. I thought I looked presentable to meet my idols after breaking up with my boyfriend. My makeup was waterproof in case any water works were shed.

Joe simply nodded at me from his position on the counter, I'd let him in on my plan and although he didn't quite approve he understood where I was coming from. I told him not to tell Caspar because I didn't want Caspar to get his hopes up that we could potentially be a thing, I was throwing both Kalice and Calice off the table.

Traffic was unfortunately on my side today so I got to Starbucks on time to already see Kian's car parked. Taking a deep breath I removed my sunglasses and walked inside, Lily waved at me over the counter and I waved back. Kian had already ordered for both of us and was sitting in 'our' window seat. I cleared my throat as I sat down next to him; he snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at me. His eyes checked out my new hair a few times before he scratched his chin.

"Bringing the pink back Alice it suits you."

"Thanks I missed the colour and it reminded me of a time when my life was much simpler, you know pre YouTube overnight success."

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now