Chapter Twenty Seven: ...

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I love you guys, but just because I don't update for a couple of weeks please don't send me personal messages asking if the fic is finished or why I haven't updated. When I finish the fic it will have *completed* against it. Sending me messages or leaving comments won't make me update faster, and it makes other readers assume I'm done with Alice Sugg when I clearly aren't.

Why would I end it when drama is about to go down in ways even my most loyal readers won't see coming :)

Chapter Twenty Seven: ...


I stretched out on the sofa making Dan groan behind me as I hit his chest with my head. I patted him as I got myself comfortable again, he signed up for this when we started dating. I was a fidgeter, just ask my siblings who bore the brunt of it when we were growing up.

"Are you comfy Alice?"

I didn't need to look at him to hear the eye roll in his voice. So instead I shuffled around a bit more before smirking to myself.

"Why yes Daniel I'm very comfortable, you make a great pillow."

"I know what I'm also great at."

I can't help but laugh and roll over so that I was lying on top of my boyfriend.

"Eww my virgin ears and eyes."

Phil squealed like a little girl and ran out of the living room with his hands over his eyes and ears. Dan quirked an eyebrow at Phil's dramatics before slowly running his hands down my back before sliding them under the front of my shirt.

"Why don't we take this to the bedroom Howell?"

I bent down and captured his lips; it was safe to say we had an active sex life. Carrie got annoyed of the constant sex in our flat, so now we'd rotated to Dan and Phil's much to Phil's annoyance and Carrie's relief. Dan and I were young and in love, as well as horny as hell.


Waking up I smiled at the girl sleeping peacefully next to me naked in my arms. Alice was beautiful, and I finally got to call her all mine. Despite our ups and downs we were really making the relationship work this time. I didn't want Alice to know though that I was scared to close my eyes because I didn't want to open them and find out all of this was just a dream. I could do soppy and romantic despite my emotionless exterior, behind closed doors I was a right softy. But now I needed to pee without waking Alice up.

Luckily she was a heavy sleeper so I easily slipped out of the bed and put on a pair of sweatpants before heading across the landing to the bathroom to take care of business. However as I left the bathroom I found myself cornered by Phil.

"Did you crazy kids use protection?"

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly; did I really want to talk about my sex life with Phil? Sure we'd lived together for years and were best friends, but it didn't seem like a guy thing to do. Plus I think Phil just liked seeing me flushed. Also if I didn't tell him he'd ask Alice who was his gossip buddy.

"I kind of ran out but Alice is on the pill so we're all good."

Phil nodded before retreating to his bedroom but not before looking at me over his shoulder with a small smirk.

"Good, we don't need any mini Dan and Alice's running around the place anytime soon."

I chuckled nervously as Phil shut his bedroom door. Alice was on the pill and we'd been having lots of sex, some with protection and others not if the sex was a spur of a moment thing and still we were baby free. Phil was probably trying to scare me so I wouldn't have sex in the flat anymore so he could have some peace and quiet. Shaking my head I walked back into my bedroom and saw Alice hadn't moved an inch. I did want kids in the future, but for now I was happy being young and carefree.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now