Chapter Sixteen: Prologue

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Chapter Sixteen: Prologue


I couldn't put off the task of writing any longer; I needed to get my first part sent to Zoe's editor before he started hassling me. I decided to start where all books start, with a prologue. I'd locked myself in my bedroom and refused to leave until I had the first part written, if Zoe could write two books then I could at least write a couple of paragraphs.

This was a new stage in my career, maybe a bestseller. Why not make a little money from all your problems? I clicked my fingers together and started typing before I found another distraction.



This is my story...Wait hold up that line sounds lame and cheesy, I know I can do better. Where do I begin? Obviously at the start people would suggest, okay deep breaths girl you've got this. It really shouldn't be this hard to come up with a few lines.

My name is...Nah that's also been overused...Why can't I come up with something creative and original? God I feel like an idiot, this was why I'd never attempting blogging because I never knew where to start. For those of you not living in the twenty first century blogging is where you write about an event, a situation or a topic in a blog that's posted online for people to read.

Ask me to write an amazing fan fiction and I'll knock out 30,000 words in a night, but ask me to do something like this well that's a whole other ball park. Wait why am I comparing fan fiction to blogging? I think I might be losing the plot slightly and I'm only 23. Okay I just need to do some breathing and meditation exercises and I'll be able to knock this out of the park. I don't even know baseball so why I'm making references is as much as a mystery to me as it is to anyone reading this.

I already gave you a run down on what blogging is, well it's blown up over the last few years and some lucky people have managed to find fame. As well as getting paid to write weekly blog posts on everything from; beauty to lifestyle, to games and to advice. I'm not one of those lucky few, but my siblings are but you'll find out more about them in a bit.

Before I take you on a crazy journey I think some more context is needed because everybody loves context. It's a writer's favourite tool, when they don't know what they want to say then they can just babble and the audience laps it up. After blogging blew up, the few famous bloggers decided to take on a new platform and medium, thus vlogging was born. Vlogging for those not in the twenty first century is when someone documents their life, thoughts and opinions on a camera and uploads it to the internet. This way their fans got to see their favourite bloggers immortalised on their computer and tablet screens in video form.

Can I impart any other knowledge on you before I open my mouth and begin babbling? Yes I can and I shall, this is for your own good I swear. As well as being immersed in this world of blogging and vlogging there were a few ships that popped up along the way. For those of you not in the twenty first century a ship isn't your conventional ship that floats in the sea and occasionally catches fish or hits an iceberg. A ship is short for a romantic relationship between two people, whether or not the ship is real that's for you to judge.

Usually you take the two peoples names and mash them together to create a new name which fans then use online to create vivid fan fictions and make believe relationships between fictional, and well in this stories case real people. If you were to ship me with my brother which is just gross, you'd take Alice (me) and Rick (brother) and you'd probably use the ship name #Ralice because it's our two names mashed together. I think I explained that alright.

Most of the time if I'm rushing a conversation with someone I get blogging and vlogging jumbled up, because they're basically the same word but with a different letter at the start. Hey don't judge me, I don't like being judged. Anyway back to the story...

This isn't just a story told from my point of view, because that would be dry and boring for everyone reading. If I only told you my side of the story then I could easily be bias because let's face it I'm pretty awesome if you get to know me. This story is as much about me as it is about my older sister, my twin brother, my sibling's blogging/vlogging friends and the three guys who I ended up loving, hating and forgetting. Everyone who played a part in my journey up until this point of me writing this really long winded introduction, their voice is heard. Because at the end of the day we all have a story to tell, no matter what medium or platform we choose.

However it seems a little bias on my part if you only get to hear the story from my point of view. I can be very opinionated, or so I've been told by my friends and family. So this isn't just my story. Here are the main players; hopefully together we can piece together what the hell went wrong between all of us. There are also secondary players, but they don't have much input, okay I admit I'm just lazy and couldn't be bothered giving all my friends their own paragraph. Vloggers and bloggers have very big egos after all, they are a new breed of celebrity.

My name is Alice Blake; you might have come across my numerous online blogs about different fandoms. LetsBeStupidForever is my online handle; you can only see my pink hair in my profile pictures because if you saw my face you'd be able to put two and two together. You can follow me or IM me @ABlake, yes I'm really that original.

Next is my older sister Lauren Blake, you'll know her if you even internet. She goes by Hugs&Kisses online and she's the most followed female British blogger. Over nine million people read and watch her beauty videos and style hauls. @L_Blake is another one of her handles.

Rick Blake is my twin brother, he's also pretty internet famous just like Lauren. His online presence is simple to remember, RickBlake because just like me he's very original. Rick is a joker and a charmer which is why people are so easily drawn to him. @RickBlake is his Twitter handle.

Jason Asher comes next; he's the most followed male British blogger who goes by AshesRising and @AshesRising to date. He's just as socially awkward as me but some of his loyal followers who go by the name 'ashes' would do anything and everything to defend him. He's the first guy I ever fell in love with.

Nick Watts is the second guy who played a role in my love triangle or square, you can call it whatever you want. NickKnacks and @NickKnacks is his online ego. He's quirky, artistic and a filmmaker. He influenced a lot of my own work during my university years and I'll never forget that.

Harry Fincher, one half of FinchersTravels was the third guy I fell for. @HarryFincher is known by all bloggers to be a serial charmer and flirt just like his identical twin brother Jack Fincher. However behind the camera and computer screen he's very caring and sweet. It's amazing how much the internet can change who you are.

Owen Howell or CupHalfFull is my sister's boyfriend. They go by the infamous ship name #Lowen. To me he's a second brother because I've known him for the past four years, I could rely on him to be my confidant and shoulder to cry on when it was required. @CupHalfFull is a goof but he's my goof.

And lastly Luke Jordan or LukeJordan as you might recognise him online. He's Rick's flatmate who lives with him in London while I reside in Brighton with Lauren. @Luke_Jordan is like my younger brother, he's literally younger than me, and he understands my childishness and goes along with it because we are both young in heart and soul.

So those are the main players in my story. You'll have to read on to discover what happens to all of us when the spotlight is shone on someone who doesn't want it but has to deal with consequences which subsequently comes with the territory of overnight fame.

Until next week's post, I'm Alice Blake, LetsBeStupidForever goodbye...

There it was on front of me on the screen, I needed to save my rough draft before I talked myself into deleting it and starting all over again. Was it too much?Was I too obvious with the names? Unless you already knew the story maybe a non viewer would just read it as a story and not see between the lines. I saved the document and opened a new email to Zoe's editor and attached it before hitting send. Now I just wanted to write the whole thing, at least them I wouldn't have to worry about my current problems.

Do you guys like the little snippet? I've already written the whole book 'The Third Blogger' and if some of you like it then I might just upload it (There are two extra chapters I wrote just for the story)

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now