Chapter Six: Starbucks Confessions

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Chapter Seven: Starbucks Confessions


When I opened my eyes and stretched my arms I felt something move besides me. For a second I was scared but then my surroundings came into focus and I relaxed, I was in my apartment. Caspar and I must have fallen asleep on the sofa together after our Netflix marathon. Caspar had his arms around my waist and I was cuddled against his chest, a position every friend finds themselves in one day.

"Ah, so cute."

Joe spoke from somewhere near us which made me jump. I untangled myself from Caspar who hadn't stirred once. Sitting up I located my twin on one of the bar stools eating a bowl of cereal casually, how long had he been there?

"Err Joe, why were you watching us?"

Joe shrugged his shoulders and took another spoonful of cereal before speaking; I twitched my lip in disgust. People talking with their mouth full, was very unappealing to me.

"About twenty minutes give or take. I wanted to watch TV but you're hogging the sofa, so I chose the next best entertainment on offer."

I rolled my eyes, my brother was a creeper.

"You could have watched TV in your own room."

"The TV in here is bigger though sis."

That wasn't really a valid reason in my eyes; Joe's TV was just as big as this one. My money was on him secretly being a creeper who loved watching people sleep; I made a mental note to sleep with my door locked so I didn't have an Edward Cullen situation.

"How'd your date go?"

Joe tensed up at my question but he quickly composed himself with a lopsided grin. I think the date went good, I would never tell him about mine and Caspar's failed spy attempt. I got off the sofa and stretched again, sleeping on the sofa really wasn't that comfortable even with a Caspar shaped pillow. I needed to know if Joe and Lily hit it off after we left, I really wanted them to work so I could still stay friends with Lily without making it awkward around Joe.

"I think she likes me Alice."

I face palmed, of course Lily bloody liked him. I'd been telling him as had Caspar on multiple occasions. Sometimes I swore that there was something wrong with my brother's head and how he processed things around him. He was oblivious to obvious little things right in front of his face. I removed my hand from my face and ran it through my hair.

"So is that a yes to the date going well? If you don't want to share any of the details, I'll just get them from Lily who by the way tells me everything."

"We had a nice time, at first it was a little awkward but then we just talked. I really like her sis, more than any other girl. But that's all you're getting out of me."

I rolled my eyes again, that was the most information Joe had ever given me about one of his dates before. I needed to message Lily and see if she'd spill any more beans, and then I'd message Zoe to say the date went well and I got to keep both my brother and best friend.

"Well I'm going to get dressed. I'll leave you to watch Caspar sleep like the creeper you are."

Joe muttered something through another spoonful of cereal. I shook my head and made a beeline to my bedroom. I had really bad bed head and my neck hurt from falling asleep on the sofa. Caspar and I must have dozed off somewhere between Breaking Bad and Daredevil, but I couldn't quite recall. I put my phone on charge and noticed multiple messages from youtubers and non youtubers; I decided to get ready before answering any.

I took a quick shower which made my neck feel ten times better. I threw on a pair of black shorts and paired it with a cream long sleeved blouse which I tucked into the front of the shorts to make it puffier. I slipped into my black Vans before throwing myself on my bed with my phone. Kian had messaged me details about the party, Jc mustn't have trusted Kian because he'd sent me the exact same message.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now