Chapter Ten: Blooming Relationship

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Chapter Ten: Blooming Relationship


When I woke up I found myself not in my own bed, arms snaked around my waist and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Next to me someone chuckled and I instantly relaxed upon recognising Kian's voice. Though I couldn't quite recall how I ended up in bed with him, I was fully clothed in a pair of his sweatpants and a baggy jumper so I could assume no funny business occurred.

I rolled to my face my boyfriend; I remembered that much from last night. I'd told myself I'd give myself more time to figure out my love life but apparently I was too impatient to wait, so I'd dived head first into a brand new relationship.

"Tell me what you're thinking Alice?"

Kian's question pulled me out of my own little trance; I sighed and stretched before answering.

"I was thinking how I really only remember becoming your girlfriend last night and nothing else."

Kian laughed and rolled onto his back, I leant my head against his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. Even though Kian was younger than me, right now he was acting mature. I think people only see the loud childish side but I had the pleasure of getting to know the real Kian.

"You had quite a bit to drink Alice, also I'm pretty unforgettable."

I scoffed at his fake arrogance before sitting up and hitting him with my pillow. Kian grunted, obviously taken by surprise which made me burst into laughter. However I wasn't quick enough to duck out of the way before a pillow collided with the side of my head and knocked me over.

"Oops I didn't see you there Alice."

Kian shrugged his shoulders and smirked smugly; I rubbed the side of my head and pouted.

"I'll get you back Lawley mark my words."

"Not if I get you again."

I quirked an eyebrow in confusion, what did he mean? Next thing I know he lunges at me and pins me down on the bed before he starts a tickle assault. I hated being ticklish, Kian kept tickling my stomach and I struggled to tell him to stop. My attempts came out in little gasps as I attempted and failed to squirm out from underneath him.

"What are you crazy kids doing?"

Jc's voice took me by surprise, how long had he been in the room for? Kian yelped when I managed to push him off me. I rolled my eyes and stared at Jc who grinned and wiggled his eyebrows.


A pillow flew past my head and nearly hit Jc; damn Kian had a good aim but Jc ducked and tutted before wagging his finger in our direction.

"Rudeness Kian, is tickling the new 'hip' thing for couples?"

"Jc why are you in Kian's room?"

Jc fixed his eyes on me; Kian got off the bed and threw on a top before strolling over to his best friend.

"If you really must know, you guys left the door open. Imagine if I walked past and the two of you were doing the nasty."

I shivered at the thought of Jc walking past us because we left the door open like drunken idiots. I didn't need that mental imagine engraved into my mind.

"Jc get out unless you have something else to say that doesn't come across as creepy."

Kian was getting more aggravated by the second; Jc knew how to push his best friend's buttons.

"Truce Kian, Lia and I made pancakes and wanted to know if you guys wanted any?"

My stomach grumbled and my eyes lit up at the mention of pancakes. I was out of the bed quicker than a rocket at takeoff; Kian rolled his eyes at me while Jc chuckled. I didn't care how immature I looked, I loved pancakes.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now