Chapter Twenty Eight: Close Encounter

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Chapter Twenty Eight: Close Encounter

~1 Week Later~


"We don't see anything on the scan and your blood tests came back negative Miss Sugg. You're not pregnant, sometimes those tests aren't accurate which is why it's a good thing you made this appointment."

I let out the breath I'd been holding the entire scan and squeezed Carrie's hand.

"Thank god, I'm not ready to be a mum just yet. Carrie can you imagine Dan as a dad?"

"Not right now but maybe in the future, you know once he matures and wants to focus on having a family."

The nurse wiped the gel off my stomach before leaving Carrie and I in the room. I did want kids in the future, but for now my focus was on YouTube and my publishing career.

"You must just be ill, you've got a lot on your plate especially having a book launch in less than twenty four hours. Let's get you home and tucked up in bed."

"Thanks mum, can you make me chicken soup please?"

Carrie rolled her eyes and swatted the back of my head as she helped me off the table/chair. She loved playing the mum card, she just wouldn't admit it to me because I'd milk every last drop.

"Fine, but only because you said the magical word."

I signed myself out and we made our way to the nearest tube station, talking about how annoying it was that my publisher had some problems with the copies of my book which were supposed to go out to friends and family to review at the start of the week. Hell even I didn't have a final copy, all I had was the front cover to show my fans who were eagerly awaiting the release.

The light turned green so Carrie and I walked across the road thinking nothing could go wrong, until I felt Carrie grab my arm roughly and pulled me backwards. A car whizzed past the crossing on a red light nearly hitting us, but Carrie's quick recation saved us.

"Shit, that was a close encounter Alice. Was that idiot blind? Red means stop, he could have killed someone."

"Deep breaths Carrie, thank you for pulling me back."

To calm Carrie down I pulled her into a hug and hinted at concerned passerby's to back off and give us some space with a simple shake of the head.

"Would you like me to call Pete?"

Carrie nodded, it appeared the shock was just sinking in. I took her phone out and dialled Pete's number; he picked up on the second ring.

"Hi love, what do I owe the pleasure of your call?"

"Pete it's Alice. Carrie and I were in town when some idiot ran a red light at the crossing we were on. Carrie got us both out of harm's way and she seems pretty shaken up, so I thought hearing your voice would calm her down."

Pete swore down the phone before composing himself.

"Thanks Alice, can you put her on please?"

"Sure, here you go."

I handed the phone to Carrie who mouthed 'thank you' before turning her attention to her boyfriend on the phone. The Police showed up and Carrie was able to recount the licence plate while Pete calmed her down. The female officer asked one more time if we were okay and I assured her we were okay and hoped they caught the guy.

I decided to message Dan but he beat me to the punch line, I think I had Pete to thank for Dan blowing up my phone while Carrie and I spoke to the Police. After getting no reply Dan had obviously called my siblings because I had missed messages off both Zoe and Joe.

Dan: Pete just told me, are you okay?

Dan: Please answer Alice, I need to know you're fine...

Dan: Has something bad happened? Is that why you haven't gotten back to me? Please answer me love x

Dan: I'm ringing Zoe and Joe...

Zoe: Oh my god sis, how are you and Carrie? Dan's blowing up my phone because you won't answer him. Has something happened you can't tell him? You can trust me?

I rolled my eyes at Zoe's use of the word 'trust'. She was hiding something from me and I had a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with my book being delaye. I moved onto Joe's message.

Joe: Twinny are you safe? Please answer one of us. Some drivers shouldn't be allowed behind a wheel x my twin instinct tells me you're okay and will reply when you can x

Joe's message cheered me up, he was right I was okay. It would have looked rude being on the phone while trying to be serious with the Police. Joe would get my first reply, followed by Dan and lastly Zoe.

Alice (To Joe): I was being interviewed by the Police to see if Carrie could remember the licence plate because she was pretty shaken up x love you twinny, now I better calm down the boyfriend x

Alice (To Dan): Hi love, I'm good. No injuries to me or Carrie. I was talking to the Police and it would have been rude if I constantly checked my phone. Thanks for contacting my siblings, you're a great boyfriend and I love you so much xxx

Alice (To Zoe): Nothing broken or bruised sis. Police said they'll do best to track down driver. I think Carrie and I will feel better once we're back in the flat x see you tomorrow at the book launch x

"I think I'm calmer now Alice, thanks for phoning Pete. Let's get home so we can rest up. Instead of chicken soup, how about we get a cheeky takeaway?"

That sounded really nice after the day we'd both had. Throwing my arm around her shoulder I guided us safely this time across the road crossing towards the tube station.

"Takeaway sounds like a plan Fletcher. Now let's make this night even wilder by watching Netflix as well."

Carrie chuckled and fanned herself.

"Now you're speaking my language little Sugg."

Hopefully no more cars tried to take a swing at us before we got home. I wanted to relax before tomorrow.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now