Chapter Twenty Four: Pilot Episode

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Chapter Twenty Four: Pilot Episode

~1 Week Later~


Today we were filming the pilot episode and I was beyond excited from the second I woke up to Carrie jumping on my bed to the second we arrived at the TV studio. We'd grabbed Starbucks on the way over and kept up the fighting talk the whole taxi ride, I was adamant that Team Phil would beat Team Dan where as Carrie was rooting for the opposite. This was a huge deal for my sister, my boyfriend and my best friend and I was happy I could be here to support the three of them as much as I could. But us Sugg's were competitive people and wouldn't take losing too kindly, though I didn't plan on coming second especially to my boyfriend and flatmate.

"Well Alice we'll let the final scores do the talking. May the best woman win?"

"Yes Carrie, the best woman intends to win."

I flipped my hair over my shoulder and ignored Carrie's friendly handshake which made her laugh and shake her head. The taxi pulled up outside and we noticed Jim and Ben waiting for us so the four of us could walk in together.

"Well if it isn't little Sugg and Miss West End, Jim and I are honoured to be in your presence."

Ben mock bowed as did Jim as we approached the two. Carrie and I looked at each other and sighed before rolling our eyes.

"Nice Ben. Hi Jim, how's Tanya?"

I hugged Jim before hugging Ben who squeezed me tight. I hadn't seen Tanya in what felt like forever and it upset me because we use to be close but then I went to LA. Jim shrugged his shoulders as he embraced Carrie.

"She misses her mini Sugg, you should have a girls day someday with Tan, Zoe and Louise."

"Zoe asked me to go to Brighton for a couple of days to get my mind off the book, so maybe we could kick Alfie out and have all the girls over. Carrie are you up for a trip to Brighton?"

Carrie took out her phone and opened her planner; she'd just signed a new contract to stay in Les Misérables so her time was tight.

"Give me a date and I'll see if I can get a couple of shows off."

"Looks like the girls are hitting up Brighton then, I'll ring Tanya later."

I gave Jim the thumbs up before he started a conversation with Carrie leaving Ben and I to keep ourselves occupied.

"How's the book? Have you made the changes?"

Ben knew all about the book drama, only because he came around to the flat when I was having a mini meltdown and spilt everything to him. He'd always been supportive and unbiased so I felt comfortable talking to him about my problems.

"I sent the new draft chapter to the editor and he said it looks good, he just needs to make a few tweaks."

"That's great, but your face paints a different picture. Confide in your uncle Ben little one."

I sighed and motioned for us to move away from Jim and Carrie so we'd have some more privacy. He leaned against a wall and I folded my arms over my chest.

"It's in my contract that the editor can make changes if it makes the story better, they want to sell lots of copies like they've done with Zoe's book. But mines a lot more personal than hers, yes I'm writing a young adult fiction but it's based on real people and events in my life. They didn't seem too pleased that Dan wanted me to change the scene so it painted him less negative since we're dating and in a good place."

"Are you scared they'll try and get back to the original scene as much as they can around your new edits?"

He got it in one.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now