Thank You Note

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Back at the start of June 2014, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about when it came to fanfiction. Yes I'd read plenty up until that point,  but one night after browsing the Zoella, ThatcherJoe and Danisnotonfire tags I thought something was missing. And as a 2nd year Creative Writing student I drafted the first two chapters of 'The Third Sugg' not really expecting anything to come of it...little did I know back then that the two chapters would blow up and I had people asking for more of Alice's story.

'The Third Sugg' was planned as a solo book, with *shock horror* Alice ending up with Finn! But I saw in the comments that readers were fighting between who Alice should have really ended up with. In one corner we had team Finn, in another we had team PJ, in the opposite corner we had team Dan...

I never expected in a million years that people would attach themselves to Alice or any of the other characters with such a fondness and obsessiveness they did! Which led to me giving in and writing a sequel 'Independence' - Which I insisted would be the end of Alice Sugg's journey!

But as we know 'Alice Sugg' was born from the fact I had so much shit and drama going down in Independence, that I felt the need to split it into two books - Hence The Third Sugg Trilogy was born x

Now on May 20th 2016, nearly two years later I've finished writing Alice Sugg's journey and I'd be telling a porky if I wasn't sad about it ending.  The Third Sugg was my first ever attempt at writing fanfiction and through positive comments and love from all my loyal readers, both new and old it spurred me on to writing more varied fanfictions...

Alice will never leave me, and I hope she'll never be forgotten here on Wattpad by everyone who's rooted for and against her decisions over these last three books x

What I'm trying to say is thank you to everyone who's supported me from the start of my journey on this trilogy. 

Thank you to all the re-readers who make it a joy to be a writer!

Thank you to all the new readers who's comments make me chuckle, because most of your questions and rants get answered in books 2 and 3!

Thank you to the wonderful people who've sent me covers and fan art over the last two years...I don't have an artistic bone in my body and you make wonderful creations which I try and rotate out every couple of months so people can enjoy your work as much as I enjoy getting Twitter notifications!

Thank you to all the people who stuck with me when I had writers block and family issues, you're positivity made me continue writing!

Thank you to the all the haters who said my three books were shit! I'm quite proud of my stories and if people thought they were shit I wouldn't have so many reads on them!

Thank you to all the people who've tried and failed to rip off my story plot! I have the best followers and readers who message me when they see something suspicious (I have no issue with people using the title 'The Third Sugg')

So yeah, a big thank you to my followers and readers who act as spies and stalk Wattpad and other fanfiction sites for copycats! You're bloody amazing!

In fact everyone is bloody amazing for supporting me! Over these last two years I've made new friendships which I know will last, internet friends are so much better than regular people!!!

I'm still going to be writing fanfictions here on Wattpad so this isn't really goodbye :) Just one big thank you from me Beth, otherwise known on Wattpad as MediaGirl94 xoxo

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now