Chapter Fifteen: Fall Out Boy & Fall Outs Part 2

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Chapter Fifteen: Fall Out Boy & Fall Outs Part 2


So Alice and Kian were over, well that relationship was over before it really had a chance to start. Alice thought Kian still had feelings for his ex, but did Alice still have feelings for a certain someone? Dan was sat across from me talking to Pete and Joe while Patrick and Andy were in the other room. Dan still had feelings for Alice; he came to LA to win her back.

"Err Phil why are you staring at me? Was that Alice on the phone?"

I nodded and slipped my phone back into my pocket.

"Yeah she's just finished having coffee with Kian. She's on her way."

When I mentioned Kian's name Dan grimaced slightly, he was annoyed that she'd chosen Kian over him. Though I had to keep reminding him that Alice was going to choose him until he got inpatient and hooked up with Amy again and let her put it on social media knowing Alice would most likely see.

"Are we missing something here boys? Who's Alice and Kian?"

I didn't fancy delving into too much detail with Pete, especially since Alice would be joining us. I scratched the back of my head.

"Err Alice is a good friend of ours and also a youtuber, she's actually on her way here to help with the quiz. Kian is well was her boyfriend but they just ended their relationship mutually over coffee."

Dan's face lit up when I mentioned the break up; Pete noticed and nudged Dan wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Ah does Daniel like Alice?"

"She's a friend that's all Pete."

"A really good friend who you want to be with. Your face said it all when Phil mentioned a breakup."

Now Joe had decided to join in teasing Dan and I saw my best friend getting more and more annoyed with each second, although he wouldn't show it in front of his idols.

"Who broke up with who?"

Patrick and Andy had re-entered the room and Dan face palmed at Patrick's question while the rest of us laughed. Patrick glanced at Andy with a confused expression on his face.

"What did we miss?"

I cleared my throat.

"It's a long story Patrick."

Patrick nodded with a slight pout as he wanted to know what everyone was talking about, Andy on the other hand didn't seem too bothered. Across from me Pete mouth 'I'll tell you later' which earnt a smirk from Joe and a smile from Patrick.

"Usually traffic is a bloody bitch but today all green lights, must be a sign...err why is everyone staring at me?"

Alice walked into the room and immediately stopped talking, how long has she been there? Had she overheard anything? Dan's face paled at the thought of Alice still knowing he had strong feelings for her. She shuffled uncomfortably on the spot taking in the fact that one of her favourite bands were staring at her like she was some exhibition on display.

"And who are you pretty lady?"

I rolled my eyes; of course Pete would be flirty with her.

"I'm Alice and I'm here to help these two idiots."

She pointed a finger at Dan and then at me. Pete clapped his hands together as did Joe.

"So you're Alice?"

Alice chewed her lip before nodding, what was Joe playing at?

"Yes and you're Joe, and your Pete, Patrick and Andy. What were you guys talking about before I got here? Dan looks like he's seen a ghost or something."

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now