Chapter Thirty Seven: Here Comes The Bride

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Chapter Thirty Seven: Here Comes The Bride

~8 Months Later~


Today was the day my little sister was getting married to the man of her dreams. Dan had entrusted eight month old Pete to Alfie and I for the day, because we were expecting our own little girl. Alfie took me away to a small island in Spain and proposed on the beach, only a week after Pete's birth. It was romantic and of course I said yes, Zalfie at last was going to become a reality just like Dalice.

"Let's go see your mummy Pete."

Pete gurgles and claps his hands together; it was scary how much he looked like Dan. But I assured Alice that Pete would have her brains. Picking up the little angel I walk through the church towards where my sister was spending her last few minutes as a Sugg. However I didn't make it quite that far before I was intercepted by Fall Out Boy themselves.

"How's little Pete doing Zoe?"

Big Pete looks down at the child in my arms with awe, it was cute how attached he was despite not seeing the kid that often.

"He's great Wentz, though you might want to scold Dan who bought him a mini drum kit."

Pete gasps in fake horror while over his shoulder Andy grins and rubs his hands together, looks like Pete Howell was going to become a drummer.

"I'll deal with Dan later Zoe, now go and see your sister."

I smile and leave the band to find their own seats. As I walk past the room holding the groom and groomsmen shouting erupts before turning into laughter, at least they were relaxed about today.


I was surprisingly calm despite it being my wedding day. It could be down to the fact I was still slightly hungover from last night's little hen do. All my bridesmaids were chatting amongst themselves on the sofas while mum fussed over my dress.

Zoe opens the door and walks in looking beautiful in her dress, which I'd let her pick out along with the other bridesmaid dresses

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Zoe opens the door and walks in looking beautiful in her dress, which I'd let her pick out along with the other bridesmaid dresses. My sister was my  maid of honour and best friend; she also had great taste in fashion. They were all dark blue but with different designs that made each bridesmaid stand out without taking the spotlight off me. 


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Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now