Chapter Eight: Big Sister To The Rescue

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Chapter Eight: Big Sister to the Rescue


Alice had messaged me all the juicy details about Joe and Lily's date. It had kept me occupied while I was doing my hair and makeup for a meeting I had in London later today. Alfie found it amusing that I was so invested in my younger siblings lives, I told him that he was just as invested in his own sisters.

"What exactly is the meeting about today Zoe?"

Alfie lay sprawled across our bed which I'd only just made staring at his phone. I put down my curlers and turned to face him.

"I actually don't know. I think it's something to do with TV but I could be wrong, it's a day out in London ether way."

"Hey have you seen that Dan is re-dating that fan called Amy? He called him and Alice just close friends on Twitter when some of the fans called him out."

My mouth dropped open; no way would Dan stoop so low as Amy. After everything she did to Alice, what was he thinking?

"Do you want to hear some of the comments? The majority defend Alice."

I nodded, still unable to form a coherent sentence. When would Dan and Alice man up and realise that they were perfect together. They were the equivalent to Joe and Lily. Alfie cleared his throat and I paid attention.

"How could you do that to Alice? Amy hurt her...Dalice is end game...We don't like Amy because she's fake...Can't you see that Amy is bad for you? Alice is right for you...You'll lose danasaurs if you date Amy..."

I put my hand up to silence Alfie, I was happy that the danasaurs were coming to my sister's aid. It bought back the memories of earlier days when the danasaurs and loyal subjects went to war, because Dan wanted to know Alice's true identity. If I ever saw Amy I promised Joe and Alice that I would give her a piece of my mind, you hurt one Sugg and you might as well hurt all of us.

"If you ask me Zoe, I think Dan needs a kick up the ass to see that him and Alice need to be together. In fact they both do."

I hummed in agreement with Alfie then chewed my lip remembering the Skype conversation with Tyler and Troye after Alice left Joey's. I needed to tell Alfie what they had told me.

"I spoke to Troyler on Skype and they told me that Alice ignored Dan on social media because she was scared he'd moved on, which would mean he never intended to wait for her. Hell even Finn waited for her."

"That's rough Zo, and then for her to see that he moved back on with Amy must have sent her over the edge."

Alfie got up off the bed and came towards me, I stood up and he opened his arms which I walked into. We just held each other, this is what I wanted for both my younger siblings.


Dan and I had been called up to attend a meeting for some new TV show the BBC were creating. Apparently our radio show was successful enough that we were considered for a mystery project. However we were told that they'd invited another youtuber but refused to tell us their identity. I loved the radio show as did Dan; it was our baby which neither of us wanted to give up. But the few TV projects we'd done had been fun and we'd received positive feedback from fans, mainly because they could see our faces instead of just hearing our voices.

As I walked towards the kitchen a loud pitch squeal made me shudder, Amy was over. Her laugh was like nails on a chalkboard which went right through me; how Dan coped I had no idea. It wasn't that I disliked Amy; I more or less hated her which was rare for me because I liked to be nice to everyone. She'd hurt Alice in the past and I saw Alice like a little sister, fans called youtubers a family and they were correct. If you went against one of us then you felt the wrath of all of us, Dan had broken the family when he chose to get back together with Amy. I know Alice told him he could move on if that made him happy, but he'd dumped Amy in the past for being too clingy which made him unhappy. Why he took her back was a complete mystery.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now