Chapter Twelve: The EX

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Chapter Twelve: The EX


After the events of last night I was knackered, who knew Caspar and Joe had that much energy in them. After Mean Girls we watched The Avengers, followed by Lion King and then Home Alone 2. If watching films wasn't enough then the boys intending on keeping me up all night by cracking really bad jokes that you couldn't not laugh at because they were so bad. The pizza got devoured pretty quickly and we moved onto the leftover ice cream which Caspar and I had bought, fans only saw one side of youtubers but if they could watch what goes on behind the camera some of them might think differently about calling us their idols.

Caspar and Joe were passed out in the fort which has surprisingly stayed up all night without collapsing, they were snuggled next to each other with Caspar's head on Joe's chest and Joe had an arm slung around Caspar's shoulders. They tried to deny Jaspar was real but the proof was in the pudding as they say. I took a couple of pictures and immediately put them on Instagram for the whole world to see, it was payback for the amount of embarrassing pictures of me the two of them had posted over the months.

Leaving the two lovebirds snoozing in the living room I decided to get ready for the day, for a second I forgot that I was hanging out with Kian's ex girlfriend Andrea. Why had I agreed to this? It seemed like a good idea at the time but now I was nervous. She's was Kian's first real love and now I was taking over her spot, what if she only wanted to meet me so she could secretly murder me and have Kian all to herself? I shook my head as I threw on clothes which made me look nice, I had a vivid imagination.

My phone vibrated on the bedside table as I curled the last of my hair. It was a new message from Lily of all people.

Lily: I'm outside your bedroom door can I come in?

To say I was confused would have been an understatement, how could Lily be outside my door when I didn't even hear the front door open. I dropped my phone on the bed and crept towards my slightly ajar bedroom door, this better not be some prank set up by Joe and Caspar.

Poking my head around I took in the sight of my best friend, she was literally standing outside my bedroom door. Why was she here? After how she treated Kian I was still a little annoyed.

"Hi Alice, remember you told me where the spare key was in case of emergencies. And well this kind of feels like an emergency."

I opened the door and ushered her inside, through the open door I could still see Caspar's foot sticking out of the fort. How Lily had missed that surprised me, or maybe she secretly shipped Jaspar as much as I did. Lily shuffled inside my bedroom and perched herself on the end of the bed. I folded my arms across my chest and leant against my vanity.

"What are you doing here Lily?"

She shuffled nervously and bit her lip, this was a habit of hers.

"I'm sorry for how I acted Alice. I was rude to Kian because I idolise Dan so much and couldn't picture you with anyone else. I've never physically met Dan so all I have is an image conjured from watching him through a screen, I don't know the real him despite everything you told me. You're my best friend and he's some youtuber, I should have respected your choice in dating Kian. Now I'm rambling but I'm sorry and I can't stand us not talking because I miss you."

I cracked a smile, Lily was right she was babbling towards the end but she seemed sincere enough in her apology. I knew I should stay mad at her but I needed my best girl friend if I wanted some advice on the whole Andrea situation. Then an idea came to my mind in how Lily could make it up to me.

"Will you text Kian and apologise? He just wants you to like him because your my best friend."

Lily nodded and pulled her phone out, how she had Kian's number was beyond me. Maybe he gave it to her at the party, then again her and Jc spoke for a bit and I knew she had his number as well as Lia's.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now