Chapter Nineteen: Danasaurs VS. Loyal Subjects

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Chapter Nineteen: Danasaurs VS. Loyal Subjects


Well as we predicted the picture of me and Alice kissing had been splashed across the internet in record time. When I got back to the hotel Phil threw a pillow at me and called me an idiot for putting Alice back through that, in my defence she wasn't trying to keep her identity hidden this time around so everything was good. Both sets of our fans were rabid for a little juicy gossip when it came to our ship, I swear they could rival the phandom but I would never actually say that for fear of being hunted down and murdered.

It was a shame to be heading back to London just when Alice and I were trying to find a common ground. But duty called in the shape of a TV panel show me, Phil and Zoe was going to be a part of. Apparently the BBC people liked how the three of us jammed and offered to create us a panel show based around the internet, Phil and I were going to be panel leaders while Zoe would host because she had a face for TV unlike Phil and I who had a face for radio. We were due to start production as soon as we landed back in London and I had a feeling a certain Sugg would chew my ear off about her little sister.

Alice and I had been messaging each other and she told me about her book deal which I was proud of her for. However when I asked how to she was going to represent the characters she went silent and told me she was going to do a truthful portrayal. I was a douche to her and if she actually recreated the events in the book and fans put two and two together it could seriously harm my online reputation. Even if fans couldn't work out who was who there were some youtubers who would figure it out on the spot because they were involved in the drama. Alice assured me that she would tell the youtubers involved that she was going to change the names, descriptions and personalities but recreate events because she didn't want to lie to her fans. I didn't want to lose her before I'd even gotten her back but I'd spent years building my online reputation and I wasn't going to let someone ruin that for me.

Phil and I checked out and to my surprise Alice was waiting outside the hotel leaning against her car. When she saw us Phil dropped his bag and ran towards her while Alice met him halfway like some cheesy Hollywood movie, if any one was on looking you would think those two were the couple.

"I'm going to miss you so much Phillip."

"We'll see each other soon little Sugg, you'll be back in London soon hopefully."

They hugged before Alice let go of Phil and turned to face me with a sweet smile, she glanced around the car park before approaching me.

"We can never be too sure who has a camera Daniel."

I chuckled in agreement before pulling her into a tight hug; she wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head against my chest. It was nice how well our bodies fitted together.

"Remember we have that date when you're back in London Alice."

"How could I forget? When I told Carrie she went crazy and said she'd make sure I didn't forget."

Carrie could be excitable sometimes but it was why we got on with her so well.

"Dan we better head off because I don't want to miss our flight."

Phil knew how to ruin a moment. Alice and I pulled away from each other and she checked her phone, I tilted my head as she smirked at the screen. I caught a glimpse of the ID 'Patrick' and wondered who she was talking to.

"Don't get jealous Dan it's a certain Stump, him and the guys gave me their numbers and he's been giving me some advice on our situation. I've also been messaging Pete but Patrick gives solid advice."

I made an 'oh' shape with my mouth, I did get jealous in a heartbeat. Phil shook his head next to me; I was going to get an earful when we got on the plane.

"And I thought we were stalkers of Fall Out Boy Alice. But it looks like you and Patrick have been getting pretty close."

Phil wiggled his eyebrows and Alice stuck her tongue out at him.

"Now who's the jealous one Phil. Normally I would go to you for advice but since you're best friends with Dan I needed someone else and Patrick offered his services. Plus he's in a relationship and I see him as nothing more than another brother figure. You'll always be my YouTube dad Phil."

Alice stood on her tiptoes and pecked Phil on the cheek leaving him a little flustered. They would never have more than a father daughter relationship which I was happy with because Phil would never be a threat to me. I rolled my eyes and patted my best friend on the back.

"Come on Phil we have a flight to catch. See you soon Alice."

"I'll see you two goons in a bit, I just have a few more things to clear up here before I can come back home."

Alice helped us get our stuff into the taxi and stood back and waved as Phil and I drove away from the hotel. I leaned against the seat and shut my eyes; this trip had been very eventful for me. I'd come here to win Alice back only to be beaten by Kian and then she dumped Kian and I let Pete talk me into flirting with Fall Out Boys slutty assistant to make Alice jealous which worked but I felt guilty for. But then we met up and Alice let slip that she still loved me and then I chased her across the car park and kissed her and she kissed me back. I just needed everything to go right for us when she was back in London, we both deserved some happiness and I didn't want to have it with anyone else but her.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now