Chapter Thirty Two: Silver Lining

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Chapter Thirty Two: Silver Lining


"Good morning Dan, I thought you'd like some coffee. How is she doing?"

Carrie nudged my shoulder gently waking me from my slumber. I sat up in the uncomfortable chair and stretched hearing my bones click into place. I smiled and took the coffee cup from her hands as she sat down next to me and put her own bag down.

"Yesterday she squeezed my hand, but the doctors said it could just be a muscle spasm. I like to think that she's slowly waking up because they keep coming in to check her vital signs."

"She'll wake up Dan I have a gut feeling."

I wished I had Carrie's optimism. But for now I needed to get out of this place to shower, eat and sleep in a comfortable bed.

"If there's the smallest change ring me Carrie. Well I hope you have a productive day. See you later."

"Goodbye Dan."

Carrie stood up and hugged me before helping me put my laptop back in my bag. I hugged her back before picking up and the half empty coffee cup and left the small room.


Dan felt me squeeze his hand yesterday, which was the first time I'd been able to do something like that since I got in this bleeding coma. Ever since that moment I swear I felt different, like my body was finally waking up and catching up to my mind which had been awake since the start. I sent a mental message to my fingers to move and prayed that something happened.

"Oh my god Alice, are you awake? Can you hear me?"

It must be Monday because Carrie stayed with me on Mondays. I tried desperately to communicate with my lips to move but I was fighting a losing battle like something was blocking my speech.

"Nurse, we need someone in here?"

Carrie shouted and I made out the sound of my room door opening and several pairs of feet ran towards me. They asked Carrie questions, more like bombarded the poor girl. Carrie told them about my hand and that she swore she saw my lips moving.

"Alice, we're going to take out the tube helping you to breathe. Squeeze my hand if you understand me?"

I felt a gloved hand in my own and squeezed as hard as I could.


It was a miracle, Alice was responding to the nurse and doctors by squeezing their hand. If she really was waking up I knew she'd want to see Dan who had left only minutes ago. I needed to track him down before he left the hospital.

"Miss, would you like to get her boyfriend back in here? The more familiar faces and voices around her, the better it will be."

I didn't need to be told twice by the doctor before I ran out of the hospital room and towards the bank of lifts at the end of the ward; Dan would have taken it instead of the stairs because he was a lazy bugger.

I ignored the odd looks shot my way by patients, doctors and people visiting friends and relatives. I ran as fast as my small body would go hoping I wasn't too late to catch up to Dan. Once outside the hospital I looked to my left and right frantically before spotting him walking towards the tube station entrance across the road.


I screamed his full name at the top of my lungs. He stopped walking and turned back around with a confused look on his face. When he saw me bent over trying to get my breath back he ran back towards me.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now