Chapter Nine: YouTube Party!

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Chapter Nine: YouTube Party!

~1 Week Later~


The day of the party I'd let myself be dragged around shop after shop with Lily, Ellie and Rachel because Lily wanted to look nice for Joe. I'd already chosen my outfit, the guys had a swimming pool and I promised Jc I would go in. I was going to wear my new tribal print bikini with a casual summer evening dress thrown over the top. I didn't like dressing up, especially at a YouTube party because by this point everyone knew each other's style.

The four of us were at Ellie's apartment getting ready, she kept apologising to me and after a couple glasses of wine I accepted her apology. She hadn't spoken to Eric since that nice which I appreciated because he was a douche and both of us deserved better. My phone vibrated so I excused myself from the girls, surprisingly Zoe was ringing me. I picked up and made my way outside onto the balcony.

"Hey Zoe, err why are you calling me? I mean I love talking to you but we always Skype and that's during the day. Sorry I've already had some wine."

Zoe laughed down the other end of the line.

"Are you going to that party tonight?"

I was slightly suspicious by my sister's tone, she sounded like she wanted to tell me something but had been sworn to secrecy. I knew I wouldn't be able to get it out of her so I settled for an interesting conversation. I leant against the glass door and sighed.

"Of course I am Zoe, Kian and Jc invited me and I'm taking the girls. Why?"

"Err nothing, have a good time. I need to go, stay safe and drink responsibly."

Before I could get another word in she hung up on me, why was she acting cold over the phone. I was about to call her back when Ellie honked her car horn signalling that we were leaving. I'd get to the bottom of my sisters problem tomorrow but tonight I was going to get drunk and enjoy myself.

The four of us arrived an hour into the party and the house was packed to the brim. Lily found Joe and split off from us leaving Ellie, Rachel and myself to push our way inside the house. Once in the kitchen I got myself a beer and looked around, Rachel and Ellie were chatting to Grace.

"You made it Alice."

A tipsy Kian came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist; a warm sensation went across my body at his touch. I couldn't help but giggle as he warm breath tickled my neck.

"I said I was coming Kian."

"Oh I'm sure Kian can make you cum later Alice."

I jumped slightly at Jc's voice right in front of me.

"Jc gross."

Lia stood next to him and slapped him across the back of the head. Kian and I laughed as Jc rubbed his head with a scowl on his face.

"That's it Lia."

Next thing I know Jc had scooped Lia up and was making a beeline to the pool. I heard a scream followed by a splash through the open door. I took a swig of my beer.

"Can I tempt you into the pool Alice?"

I tapped a finger against my chin at Kian's question before smirking.

"Maybe after a few more drinks."

"I can wait."

Kian unwrapped himself from around my waist and took my hand in his before tugging me towards the backyard. At first I thought he was going to throw me in the pool but instead he led me over to a seating area where a few other youtubers were sitting. He claimed a free sung lounger and sat down before pulling me down so that I sat between his legs, if anyone looked at us they'd probably think we were a couple. I took another swig of beer as a wet Jc and Lia joined us.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now