Chapter Twenty Six: Brighton Pt.2

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Chapter Twenty Six: Brighton Pt.2

~Next Day~


After the pillow fight last night we eventually got around to finishing Tangled and only managed to watch Zoe's and Tanya's film choice before we burst into gossip mode until the early hours of the morning like a stereotypical sleepover. Now in the morning I was still tired because Zoe had woke me up at 9am to start making breakfast for the rest of the girls.

I stood yawning over the cooker making eggs while Zoe was getting the last of the toast out of the toaster, she had a spring in her step when I was feeling dead to the world.

"How do you have so much energy this early Zoe?"

She shrugged her shoulders as she walked past me and bumped my hip.

"I get eight hours sleep a night, at a normal hour and I don't eat and drink a much sugar as you do little sister. Healthy body, healthy mind."

I could be healthy if I wanted; I just chose to do things at my own pace. I usually didn't fall asleep until like 3am or 4am because I was talking to Dan who was still up, I compensated for lack of sleep with energy drinks which could be addictive especially when our supply never seemed to dwindle and when it came to exercise I preferred Just Dance to actually going to a gym and making a fool of myself. I rolled my eyes as I poured the eggs into a bowl and carried them to the table.

I sat down and poured myself a glass of orange juice and a cup of tea while Zoe rolled her eyes back at me and walked into the living room to wake up the others. A collective round of groans and grumbles followed behind Zoe as she entered the kitchen and sat down opposite me.

"I see you managed to wake the beasts."

Carrie swatted my head as she slumped down next to me and reached for the orange juice. As we ate in comfortable silence I looked over at Zoe who was nibbling at a slice of toast.

"So sis what's the plan for today?"

"I was thinking we could head into town and do some shopping, it gets us out of the house and who doesn't love a little shopping in Brighton."

~2 Hours Later~

Somehow Carrie and I found ourselves split off from the other three, we'd seen this interesting antique book shop and the other three told us they'd wait outside, but when we finished and went back outside they were nowhere to be seen. Carrie linked her arm through mine and we decided to make the most of our time away from the others.

"Do you think now we can text the boyfriends Alice?"

I laughed while nodding.

"You and Pete are pretty serious aren't you?"

"I think he's the one Alice, I know it's stupid but don't you feel the same way about Dan?"

Now that she mentioned Dan I couldn't think of anything bad that had happened between us since we gave dating another go. I loved him and he loved me, but did that mean he was the one for me? I didn't want to jinx our relationship in its infant days.

"I guess I need a bit more time to decide Carrie, but if you want to ring Pete I won't tell Zoe. In fact I'll ring them and see when we're meeting them."

"Thank you Alice."

Carrie unlinked her arm from mine and pulled out her phone before walking a few paces in front of me to ring her boyfriend. I pulled out my phone and noticed that Louise was ringing me; I answered and put the phone to my ear.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now