Chapter Seven: 4 Boys 1 Girl

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Chapter Seven: 4 Boys 1 Girl


I arrived at Joey's to find an eager Connor waiting for me outside. He probably wanted his Starbucks. I shook my head as I climbed out of the car, holding my bag in one arm and the drinks balanced in a tray in the other. Connor came towards me and put out his hand.

"I'll take the drinks off you so you can lock the car Alice."

"Thanks Con."

He smiled warmly at me. I locked the car and wasn't surprised to find Connor sneaking a sip of his Starbucks. He was obsessed and needed professional help.

"Joey and Troye have just finished filming. Their videos were hilarious."

Connor held the front door open for me like a gentleman as he continued to chat away, all I could do was go along with it and nod and smile when needed. When Connor started talking you could never get a word in.

"Tyler got jealous saying Joey and Troye could get nominated for the Teen Choice Award."

I gasped and shook my head dramatically.

"But I'm putting money on Troyler."

Connor threw his head back and laughed.

"Don't tell Troyler but my money is on Phan, that's our little secret."

To say I was surprised would have been an understatement; I never knew Connor secretly shipped Phan. But I zipped my finger across my lips promising to keep his dirty little secret; he might have a Phan shrine next to his Troyler shrine.

"Coffee is here...oh yes and so is Alice because she bought the coffee...but yeah coffee."

Connor was a cheeky bugger as he sauntered into the lounge holding the Starbucks tray above his head proudly. Tyler and Troye went straight for the coffee first while Joey walked over to me and gave me a comforting one arm hug.

"Are you over the speed dating incident?"

I nodded and hugged Joey back.

"Both Ellie and he who shall not be named had the nerve to message me the next day. Here take a look."

I handed Joey my phone and watched as his eyes bulged as they scrolled through my message conversations.

"Cheeky, and the nerve on them both."

"I haven't really spoken to Ellie but I know I need to. If Eric liked me he wouldn't have made out with Ellie only a few meters away from me."

Joey dropped the phone back into my hand and sighed.

"Well after my video I couldn't exactly do anything with Ellie. I think that night I was having mixed feelings about whether or not I was ready to come out on the internet."

"I was so proud of your coming out video Joey; I cried a little bit as did Joe and Caspar. Though I'm a little mad because once upon a time, you were one of my biggest YouTube crushes."

Joey fake fanned his hands in front of his face before bending down and pecking me on the cheek. I couldn't help but blush at the sweet gesture.

"Now, now Joey are you having a change of heart?"

Tyler came over to us and wagged his finger in Joey's direction which made me laugh a little.


I engulfed my shorter friend in a hug but he managed to squirm out of my grasp and poke my nose.

"Little Sugg, your Uncle Joey told your cooler Uncle Tyler about your problem. Show me Ellie and I'll cut the bitch. Nothing too good for my second favourite Sugg."

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now