Chapter Eleven: Calming Caspar

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Chapter Eleven: Calming Caspar


Kian dropped me off outside my apartment after the successful second part of our coffee date; I'd already wiped the first half including Lily's rudeness from my memory. When I explained the situation to Kian he was confused as to why Lily would take Dan's side over mine because she knew me but didn't even know Dan outside of what she saw on YouTube. He then calmed me down which I was grateful for because every time I thought back to her words I felt our friendship running down the drain.

"Text me later after you talk to Caspar."

Kian leant over the divide and pecked me on the lips, I kissed him back and felt my cheeks blush. I'd also let slip about Caspar and he agreed that I needed to set things straight with him as that was one friendship I didn't want to lose, he also added that we lived together and he was my brothers best friend and roommate in London so if anything went wrong it would suddenly feel very awkward.

"I don't want to do this Kian. Can we just go back to yours and cuddle, who needs responsibility?"

Kian chuckled against my lips and pulled back, I gave him a little pout missing the feel of his lips on mine.

"The sooner you clear this up, the sooner everything can go back to normal and you can start enjoying your LA trip again."

I sighed, why did my boyfriend have to be right? I'd always ran away from my problems and bottled them up, but now I was growing up and needed to change my old habits. LA was suppose to change me but so far I was stuck back in the middle of drama involving my love life, how the hell did I piss off lady luck this much?

"Fine, I'll go and be a grown up."

I stuck my tongue out at Kian and he mirrored me before I climbed out of his car and shut the door behind me. I heard the window roll down and I turned back to face the car.

"Text me if I need to come and save you Alice. Love you."

"Love you to; now go before we become a walking cliché."

I shooed Kian's car with my hands and he took the hint before driving off. I looked up at the intimidating apartment block in front of me and sighed heavily, today was suppose to be perfect after last night but so far it had only been average. I just prayed that Caspar would listen to me and that my brother kept his nose out of my business, though no doubt he'd be on the phone to Zoe after mine and Caspar's little chat. I shook that thought from my head and walked towards the front door, it was now or never.

To my dismay Joe was stood in the kitchen as I closed the front door behind me, I knew he heard me despite my best efforts to be quiet because his familiar footfalls padded across the wooden floor. I forgot that I was most likely to get interrogated by my twin because he was protective.

"What time do you call this little sis? Did you stay at that boy's house? Did you use protection? I don't want any little Sugg's running around calling me Uncle Joe anytime soon."

He didn't sound mad, in fact his voice sounded quite amused at the reverse of situation. When we were living at dads Joe had a girlfriend and he spent the night once and didn't come back until the next morning. Luckily dad was away but Zoe and I asked him the exact same questions and joked that mini Joes would be a hassle to deal with.

With some weight lifted off my shoulders I sighed and turned to face my brother who was grinning ear to ear. This wasn't like him, especially since I was told he drank a lot last night and normally the next day hangover turned him into a hermit who never left his room all day. There had to be something in his coffee or cereal to make him this perky, it was slightly unnerving.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now