Chapter Twenty: Panel Show

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Chapter Twenty: Panel Show

~1 Week Later~


We'd been back in London only a week and Alice was taking up every minute of my time. We messaged each other and she told me her plans about returning to London but first she needed to say goodbye to Lily and her brother, who along with Caspar were staying in LA a little longer. We Skyped three times which only made me miss her more, yes I could see her on my laptop screen but it wasn't the same as seeing her in person. Phil and Zoe joked that I was whipped and Alice and I weren't even officially together, I did want a relationship with her which I was now sure of. I also spent the week trying to come up with the perfect date that made her go 'wow' and say 'yes Dan I'll be your girlfriend', it didn't help that Zoe refused to help me despite Phil bringing up the fact she gave me that list of things Alice likes months ago. I probably still had the list somewhere in the miles of emails I had yet to delete, I could easily dig it out but that felt like cheating. Why were relationships complicated? They really needed to just make an app that sorted everything out.

I was sat in prime browsing position on the sofa typing 'perfect date ideas' into Google when Phil shut my laptop and stood over me. I made some mumbling groaning hybrid sound that had Phil grinning.

"Stop mooching Dan we have a meeting today?"

I tapped the lid of the laptop as I tried to remember exactly what meeting we had to attend today. After a few seconds of drawing blanks Phil let out what could only b described as a part annoyed part joyful sound if that even existed in this world.

"We're meeting with Zoe and the producers at the BBC about the panel show they want the three of us to be involved with. Your head really is like a sieve, you have too much Alice on your mind Dan."

"But Phil I need to make this date perfect so she takes me back...Oh good god I sound like some whiny pathetic high school girl who's trying too desperately to get the head jocks attention...feel free to take me outside and shoot me."

I made a gun gesture to my head while Phil stood back and shook his head.

"I'll think about it, but first we have a meeting to attend and you always make us late Dan."

Phil dramatically flips his hair over his shoulder before prancing out of the room, and that man was supposed to be older and more mature than me. Now I see why some viewers thought we were perfectly matched, Phil and I are like yin and yang. I don't think either of us could live with other people after living in our own weird bubble these last few years.

"I'm giving you to the count of three Daniel or I'm covering your piano in cat stickers."

That's all the threat I needed to get my arse off the sofa and all but run into the hallway. Phil handed me by jacket while I slipped on my shoes, how he got my jacket I'll never know. He probably did go in my room and somewhere down the line I'd find some cat stickers in the least likely of places.

~Skip Taxi Ride~

As we pulled up outside the BBC building my phone vibrated as Phil paid the driver and got out, I had a new message from Alice.

Alice: Good luck with your meeting Dan x

That was kind of her, she was thinking of me.

"Dan I hate to burst your bubble but she sent Phil and I the exact same message, but hey yours has a kiss on the end."

I jumped at the sound of Zoe's voice so close to me, how long had she been there? Scrap that how long had I been stood there staring at my phone? I really needed to stop spacing out.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now