NEW FIC: The Demon

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NEW FANFICTION :) The Demon (Patrick Stump/Fall Out Boy/Supernatural) Fic

Please check out my new fic, it's going to be shorter than all my others but it combines my favourite band Fall Out Boy and my favourite TV show Supernatural...It's based off Demon Patrick from FOB Youngblood Chronicles...

Fall Out Boy will also be appearing in this fic later on so I thought this was appropriate :) Below is the first chapter, if you like it then please vote/comment/share & add to your library because it would mean the world to me :)

Even if you don't like Fall Out Boy but know someone who does then feel free to tell them about this fic xoxo




It was another boring day in the bunker, as much as I loved this place when we first discovered it after a year there was nothing exciting about it. I'd explored every nook and cranny top to bottom, every hidden passage and room I'd documented but now I just wanted to escape this metal hell hole. If my brothers actually let me go on my own solo hunts, then I'd be less bored and less likely to play pranks on them. But because I was the baby sister that meant I had to be protected.

My name is Echo Winchester, yes my older brothers are the infamous Sam and Dean Winchester who everyone raves about but I'm the unknown sibling. I'm a year younger than Sam and like my moose of a brother I wanted to go to college and have a normal apple pie life that was until our dad went missing and Dean came back into town and dragged Sam and I back into the hunting life. Don't get me wrong I love hunting down and killing evil supernatural beings, but at the end of the day I want a life free of risk and danger.

I was the only Winchester not to have died which should be a crowning achievement since both my brothers favour the other side rather than life. They'd tell me stories of their time in hell and even the short trip and heaven and I would act interested, when really I just wanted to talk about something else. You'd think because my brothers died so much that I'd be use to the pain but you'd be wrong, each time I get the news my heart shatters but I'll never tell them that.

Being left alone in the bunker while my brothers went out and did illegal things did have its bonuses. When they would be gone for up to four days at a time I could blast my music loud and have a private dance party, Dean criticised my choice of bands such as Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco and Bring me The Horizon to name a few. They weren't considered rock enough to be played in the Impala so I had to make do with blasting them in the bunker when I was alone.

Music was my escape; I could plug in my headphones and get lost in the lyrics. When I did research I liked to listen to music, when I was in the impala and Sam and Dean were bickering I would turn the volume up and even when I was hunting I would listen to music despite the danger it put me in sometimes. One day I wanted to be able to meet my favourite bands and tell them how much their music has helped me through the dark years of hunting. But until then I'd have to cope with singing along very badly because I didn't have the best singing voice.

The alarm system I set up blared indicating that someone was close to the bunker, I quickly shut off my music and sat back down at the 'research' table as Sam had dubbed it. It was most likely Sam and Dean returning because they'd sent me a message saying they were on their way back. But just in case it was a demon looking to take me by surprise my fingers grazed over my trusty daggers coated in holy water which were slipped into my boots. Knife throwing was my skill; I could be the farthest away from a target and still hit to kill. It was a strange skill to have but it had kept me and my brothers alive more than once.

I picked up the book I'd been reading earlier and began scanning the pages so it looked like I was doing something productive, I didn't need Dean moaning that I was never prepared for what we could face next. Also if it looked like I was knowledgeable maybe that would help sway my siblings to let me go solo at some point. That would win brownie points with Sam but Dean would be harder to persuade.

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