Chapter Thirty Three: Old Friends

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Chapter Thirty Three: Old Friends

~2 Weeks Later~


I was released from hospital a week ago and had been waited on hand and foot ever since. At first all the attention was nice, but now I was on the verge of breaking and killing either one of my siblings, my boyfriend or one of my many YouTube friends. Though one good thing had come from all this, I'd got to be reunited with my memory foam mattress which worked wonders on my stiff back.

I'd had multiple tests and scans and it looked like my body had healed during my coma from being hit by a taxi, the baby was also in perfect health which was all I wanted. I never thought of myself as very maternal, I dropped the egg in school when we had to pretend it was a baby. But now my baby was my number one priority and no more harm would come to little him or her.

"Alice, I have some people here who want to see you."

Dan poked his head around my bedroom door with a smile that told me he was up to something. I wondered who wanted to see me. I'd seen everyone I knew, my parents had only left yesterday.

"Err sure Dan."

Luckily I was dressed, well I was wearing a pair of sweats and my favourite Fall Out Boy jumper I'd 'borrowed' off Dan last week. Dan smirked and pushed open my bedroom door and my mouth hit the floor, well bed when the last four people I expected to see in my bedroom walked in.

"We're in London for a show and heard about what happened Alice. So we came over with goodies."

Pete threw a large panda toy at me which I managed to catch before it hit me in the face. Patrick slapped Pete across the back of the head.

"Pete she's pregnant, you don't throw things at pregnant women."

"A mini Dan Howell, god the worlds in trouble."

Joe rolled his eyes but recoiled when Andy raised his hand to slap him across the back of the head. I laughed and hugged the panda to my chest as Dan pouted like a little girl.

"Don't take it personally Daniel, Joe wouldn't be the first person to say that. You should have heard Zoe and my parents."

"Yeah well your sister still hates me and is trying to poison your family against me."

I shrugged my shoulders and drew my attention to Patrick who placed what appeared to be a care package down next to me on the bed. It didn't look like your stereotypical fruit basket, oh no it was better.

"There's something in there for when the babies born Alice, you and Dan need to raise a Fall Out Boy baby."

"The kids going to like its Uncle Pete the best though."

I rummaged through the package until I came across two baby onsies, one with 'The Poisoned Youth' written across the front and 'I Love FOB' across the other one. I quirked an eyebrow in Patrick's direction and he started to fiddle with his fedora.

"We'll make sure the baby is raised with a good music taste. Though you might have a fight on your hands because Dan has been playing Muse around the baby."

"Are you cheating on us Daniel? We're hurt; we're supposed to be friends."

Joe faked hurt while the rest of us burst into a fit of laughter excluding Dan who had gone a whiter shade of pale. Fall Out Boy were his idols.

"He's kidding Dan, you're still our favourite youtuber."

Andy patted Dan on the back and Dan released the breath he'd been holding. As this was going on Pete got a phone call and took it outside the bedroom. He walked back in and cleared his throat.

"We hate to love and leave you Alice and Dan but we do have a show to prepare for."

"Go be rock stars Pete, oh and take my clingy boyfriend with you." Dan opens his mouth to protest but I silence him with a hand gesture "I know you and Phil are supposed to interview them Daniel, so go and do it. Besides it will be nice to have one night of peace."

"You heard your woman Dan. We'll be outside if you and Phil want to catch a lift with us to the venue."

Dan nodded at Andy while I was bombarded with hugs and kisses from all four guys. They left and Dan sat down next to me on the bed and took my hand in his before stroking it softly.

"Are you sure Alice? I mean I can stay, I don't mind."

"Go and have fun Dan. Besides I need to look over these flats so we can decide which ones to book viewings for."

He kissed my cheek and let out a small excited squeal before getting off the bed and all but running out of the bedroom to grab Phil. Now I could finally have the flat to myself, because Carrie and her boyfriend were out on a date. I looked down at my belly and rolled up the jumper before rubbing my small baby bump.

"That's your daddy little one, don't worry I'm the mature one. We can't wait to meet you."

I put the jumper back down and pulled my laptop onto my lap. Dan and I really needed to get a handle on a new place; we wanted to be moved into our new place before the baby was born. Dan had short-listed several flats that took his fancy and now it was my job to give my opinion. 

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now