Chapter Thirty Four: New Home & Down On One Knee

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Chapter Thirty Four: New Home & Down On One Knee

~2 Months Later~


"Dan I think I'm capable of moving some of the lighter boxes. I feel useless."

I sat on the sofa in mine and Dan's new flat sipping the homemade lemonade Zoe had made earlier while unpacking the kitchen with Carrie and Louise. Dan pops his head around the front door smiling warmly at me.

"I'm being a tab bit over cautious with you and the baby Alice because I don't want anything to happen to either of you. Now do you want to see something funny?"

I nod and get up off the sofa before waddling over to Dan. He takes my hand and guides me into the hallway. Luckily our flat was on the first floor and only required us to climb one set of stairs.


"If you tell us to pivot one more time Sugg I'm going to deck you one. I might innocent but I was raised in the north."

The sight in front of me was pretty hilarious. Phil, Caspar, Pete, Alfie and Marcus were attempting to get the second sofa up the stairs while Joe pulled a Ross from friends yelling 'pivot' over and over again. Phil looked ready to injure my twin and the other guys wore similar expressions.

"You're right Dan this is pretty funny. Now I'm going to nag the girls in the bedroom, make sure no one punches my twin."

Dan chuckles nervously as I make my way back into the flat. We'd moved out of the city centre to Richmond located near the River Thames, but still a good commute back into the city for business and YouTube meetings. It had everything we needed to raise a family in the city.


"Sorry not sorry Phil but PIVOT!"

Joe runs up the stairs past the struggling guys and shoots me a cheeky grin before running into the flat. It was now or never to ask the Suggs their permission about something major. I shoot Phil an apologetic look before ducking back into the flat after Joe. It would take me a few days to get use to not living with my best friend, but this move was good for Alice and I and showed how mature the two of us were being at this stage in our relationship.

"There you are Daniel, we're done in the kitchen but I didn't fancy helping Alice with her clothes. That girl has more shoes and bags than a department store, thank god for that walk in wardrobe."

Zoe threw her arms in the air before jumping on the sofa next to Joe who was setting up our Sky box. My hand went to my trouser pocket brushing my fingers over the small black box that held the engagement ring I'd bought with Phil a week ago.

"Err Joe, Zoe do you think I maybe ask you something outside? I don't want Alice or anyone else to hear us."

Zoe and Joe exchanged a sibling look before getting up in perfect sync never once breaking eye contact with me. Did they think I had something negative to say? I just wanted their approval to ask their little sister to marry me. I motion towards the balcony and the three of us shuffle outside. Joe closes the door behind us and Zoe forcefully pushes me up against the now closed doors.

"Are you going to tell us that you've hurt our sister again? Because Joe and I will make you disappear."

People saw the cute and bubbly Zoe, but the kitten had claws and was showing her true colours. I get that she cared for Alice but damn these two Suggs could be threatening when they wanted to be. I shook my head and was able to push her away lightly.

"That's not it Zoe, far from it. I need yours and Joe's permission."

"What could you possibly need to ask us permission for Dan? You didn't ask when you knocked my twin up."

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now