Chapter Thirty: Game Over

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Chapter Thirty: Game Over


I hadn't left Alice's side since she was rushed to hospital after being hit by the taxi outside her book launch. The driver was in the wrong because it was a one way street, he was drunk according to the Police and would face charges. However I couldn't get the guilt out of my head that it should be me fighting for my life in the hospital bed instead of her. She pushed me out of the way and took the full brunt, after how I treated her she still chose to save me.

"Here Dan I bought you some coffee. Have you thought about going back to the flat and sleeping?"

Phil sat down next to me in the chair Joe had vacated a few minutes ago and handed me the Starbucks. I sipped at the warm beverage thankful for the caffeine kick. I shook my head and continued to stare at the life support machine which was keeping Alice alive.

"I don't want her to wake up and I'm not here Phil, I was shitty to her. I need her to know how sorry I am, I love her and always will. If I wasn't so insecure neither of us would have been outside when the taxi took the wrong turn and she'd be alive and not hooked up to machines."

"I'm not going to tell you that none of this is your fault Dan because it kind of is. Yes you weren't the person driving car but you still accused Alice of keeping that chapter in the book, even when she got her editor to admit that he was told to keep it in or risk getting fired."

I didn't know how I expected Phil or my friends to react. Carrie couldn't even look me in the eye, and Zoe refused to be in the same room as me where as Joe was trying to keep civil because it's what Alice would have wanted.

"Hi, is one of you Dan Howell?"

A nurse walked into the room and stood in front of Phil and I. I raised my hand nervously like I was still in school and the nurse jotted something down on the clipboard in her hand.

"Well let me be the first to say congratulations Mr Howell."

I turned to Phil who looked equally as confused as me. Just then the door opened and in walked Zoe, Joe and Carrie who stopped dead in their tracks as the nurse looked them over.

"Excuse me nurse but why are you congratulating me?"

"Miss Sugg came in with a Miss Fletcher the other day after complaining about feeling sick and having taken a few pregnancy tests we gave her an ultrasound and couldn't find anything unusual.

Carrie gasped next to me and then it dawned on me what the nurse was trying to say. I glanced at Alice sleeping peacefully and then at her stomach which looked pretty flat. Alice couldn't be pregnant could she? We did have a lot of sex but only had unprotected a couple of times because Alice was on the pill.

"Miss Fletcher mentioned that you are Alice's boyfriend, so we took some of your DNA and ran a test. Congratulations Mr Howell you're going to be a dad, don't worry the baby is perfectly healthy. Well I'll leave you to get use to the news."

I swore and sunk further into my chair while everyone else stood or sat in stunned silence. Zoe cleared her throat and bent down to my height before slapping me hard across the cheek jolting me upright.

"You better hope Alice pulls out of this Dan, and you better man up and apologise. If anything happens to my niece or nephew I won't be so nice next time."

All I could do was nod and rub my cheek as Zoe stood up and stormed out of the room. Joe sighed and ran his hands through his hair, was he going to hit me as well? I kind of deserved the wrath of the Sugglets.

"I'm not going to hit you Dan because Alice would hate me. Do you really love her? I mean like real love, not some bullshit fake love. You're going to be a dad and I don't want you running away when it gets hard like you always seem to do when my twins involved."

I nodded, there was no way in hell I was going to flake on Alice especially not now I knew she was carrying my child.

"I love her Joe. Yes I've been a coward in the past but I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to be there for my child even if Alice hates me when she wakes up, I'll prove to her and everyone that I can act like a grown up. You have my word Joe."

"Thanks Dan, well I better go and tell my parents the news. I'm sorry about Zoe."

I shrugged him off as he left the room leaving Phil, Carrie and I in a comfortable silence with only the humming of the machines in the background. Carrie walked over to Alice's side and brushed some loose hair off of her face.

"Since when did life get this messed up? Alice isn't supposed to be in hospital, she released her debut novel last night. She should have woken up today to praise, instead she's being kept alive by these stupid machines. I want my Alice back; the flat was empty last night without her presence lighting up the space."

Phil got up and pulled Carrie into a hug and she broke down in his arms. Tears pricked my eyes, Carrie was right about everything. I stood up and walked with shaky steps to Alice's bedside; I held her hand and squeezed it tight.

"Please wake up Alice, we all need you. I need you, our child needs you. I'm sorry for being a screw up and running away every time the going gets tough, you're the best thing to ever happen to me. You can hate me all you want when you wake up, but I'm going to be there to support you and prove that our relationship isn't as toxic as everyone thinks it is. I love you."

She made no sign of movement. I sighed and dropped her hand before walking towards the door.

"Where are you going Dan?"

I looked over my shoulder at Phil and shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm going back to the flat to shower and rest; she's not waking up anytime soon is she?"


That was a beautiful speech Dan just gave Alice before he left. He was kicking himself over her condition, and now he had to deal with the added pressure of her being pregnant. Dan was a strong person but I'd seen him break down and go into denial, he needed someone to keep an eye on him. I wanted to be mad at him for pretty much calling Alice a liar when all of us tried to tell him that the chapter wasn't her fault, but he was hurting himself enough that he needed someone to be on his side.

Carrie sniffled and still clung to me like her life depended on it but she looked up at me and smiled weakly.

"We need to keep an eye on him Phil; I'm scared he'll try something stupid. We need him in a stable state of mind for when Alice wakes up and they can be one happy family."

"For now he needs to sleep. I'll head back to the flat and check up on him later, we can't make it too obvious Carrie or he will do something stupid."

I squeezed Carrie and my lip trembled remembering the sight of Alice hitting the front window before flying over the top of the taxi like she weighed nothing. Her crumpled unmoving body would forever be sketched in my mind, blood pooled from her nose and mouth as her brother gave her CPR until the ambulance arrived. Alice had a huge online family and we all wanted nothing more than for her to wake up and go back to her healthy and sarcastic self.


I wanted nothing more than to be able to open my eyes and tell everyone that I was okay, but the stupid coma was keeping my body paralyzed while my mind was wide awake. I could hear every conversation, and I was shocked to hear the nurse say I was in fact pregnant and Dan was the dad. I was going to be a mum, but for that to even happen I needed to wake up so I could get my health back to top form to ensure my child had the best birth. Sure getting pregnant at my age wasn't planned, but as long as Dan promised to stick around I did want him to be a part of his childs life.

Hell I could hear him beating himself up in his voice as he squeezed my hand and tried to reassure himself that our relationship wasn't toxic. I didn't hate him like he thought I did, yes he screwed up big time but I chose to knock him out of the way of the taxi and take the hit myself. I loved my Dan, that's right he was my Dan and always would be.

Now I just needed to tell my body to wake up, how hard could that be?  

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now