Chapter 2: Missing

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Emily's POV
You had just finished your paperwork and went back home to apartment with Aaron. You quietly snuck in as you didn't want to wake up Amelia. As you were passing her bedroom to get to yours, you saw that the door was left slightly open. You were about to close it when you realized that the bed was freshly made and she was nowhere to be found. You called for Aaron and the both of you checked the whole apartment before calling Amelia about 5 or 6 times. Each time going to voicemail. You checked the clock and it was 2 am. You had no idea where she could be so you quickly called Garcia to track her phone. It took about 2 or 3 tries before Garcia finally picked up.

Garcia: Hey Em everything okay?
Emily: Ye Pen sorry to bother you but I can't find Amy anywhere and was wondering if you could track her phone and send me her location?
Garcia: Of course Emily! I hope everything is okay-keep me posted
Emily: Thanks, will do

Amelia's POV
After finishing the little baggie you all shared, Brad brought you to Tyler's guest house which was just beside the house. It was finally happening you thought. You made it inside the guesthouse as he started to pull you in and softly kiss you. The kiss started becoming passionate as you took off your heels. He then picked you up and carried you into the bedroom. You started unbuttoning his shirt as he was sucking on your neck knowing damn well that he was going to leave hickeys that next morning but you didn't care. He then took off your dress leaving you in just your bra and underwear.

Emily's POV
Garcia had just sent an address and you hopped in the car. As Aaron pulled up to the location, you could hear loud music blaring from this big house. Teens everywhere drinking and doing god knows what else. You couldn't believe that Amy was at a party. You were fuming as Aaron parked the car, you were ready to grab Amy and let her explain herself before you lost your shit. You walk into the house while Aaron stayed in the car. You see her bag and phone left on a table and ask a couple teens if they had seen Amy most of them said no until one person finally said that she thought she saw her walking in the guesthouse with Brad. You thought to yourself who is Brad? You didn't really question it and started making your way to the guest house. You open the door and see her heels that you bought her for one of your mothers parties and were fuming as you made your way into another room. As you opened the door, you were shocked.

Amelia's Pov
Just as you undid Brad's belt, the door slammed open and you both broke away from your kiss as you locked eyes with your mom. "MOM?" is all you could say. Your mom was fuming, you had never seen her this angry before, not even with your grandmother so you knew she was really mad. "Put your clothes on, we are going right now, your dad is waiting in the car" is all she could say before making her way to the car. You quickly grabbed your dress and threw it on before grabbing your heels and running into the house to grab your purse and phone. You were a stumbling over as you had way too much to drink tonight.

Emily's POV
You couldn't believe your eyes. What the fuck just happened? You quickly texted Garcia to let her know that you found her and thanked her for sending Amy's location. As Amelia hopped in the car, you could smell the alcohol and weed off of her. Aaron looked shocked at her state. You had no words as you couldn't speak. The car ride was silent apart from the few vibration sounds coming from Amy's phone. You parked the car and grabbed the keys to unlock the door. As soon as you all stepped in the door, Aaron looked into Amy's eyes "Give me your phone, you are grounded." It didn't take a profiler to recognise that she was wasted. Amelia handed him her phone before stumbled her way into her bedroom and slamming the door.

You quickly went into the bathroom and showered while Aaron went straight to sleep. You must of forgotten to lock the bathroom door because Amy came into the bathroom running and throwing her guts up into the toilet. Although you were furious with her, your momma bear instincts kicked in and you grabbed the towel and wrapped it around your body before kneeling next to her and rubbing her back. You held her hair as she threw up the rest of whatever was left in her stomach.

You told her to stay there as you quickly but quietly ran into your room and got into your pyjamas. When you came back, you saw vomit all over Amy's body. Her once red dress which was tiny by the way, was now covered in vomit. You helped her get out of her dress before turning on the shower and helping her bathe. She was so drunk that she could barely stand up straight without falling over. You helped her into her pajamas and brought her into your room and snuggled with her that night making sure she didn't throw up again. Aaron was passed out at this stage. As you checked the time before going to bed, you saw that it was 6 am and knew that it would be a rough day tomorrow.

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