Chapter 22: Attitude

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Amelia's POV
You were sitting on the couch watching tv as your dad was sitting on the couch as well reading the newspaper and your mom was ironing. Jack comes back the next morning at 9. "Where were you?" you ask as Jack gives me a glare. Your dad responds "he texted us that he was going to spend the night" his eyes remain reading the paper. "So if I texted you the night that I was at the party I'd still have my door?" you say back sassy as you cross your arms.

"Watch it" he responds. "Or what?" you respond back. "Or I go back to the mall and return all of your purchases." "I already took off all the price tags" you say back as his nostrils start to flare. You then go quiet. Mom walks in "I though I heard the front door, how was your night?" she asks as she walks over to dad and puts her hands on his shoulders. "It was good" he responds "lost track of time and got too tired to drive" "we can always pick you up" she says as she starts massaging dad's shoulders. "It was late and I didn't want to wake you" he says back "plus it was no big deal, we went out and got breakfast."

"You seem tense hun what's wrong?" mom says as she shifts all of her focus on dad. "Just the usual dealing with Amelia's attitude" he says as he looks at you to which you raise your hands in the air. "Amelia stop annoying your father" she says. "I've finished ironing all your shirts" she says as she jumps over the couch and sits on his lap. "Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?" She asks as her fingers start playing with his hair. "Gross" you say as you walk into your room.

You throw your AirPods on and play some music as you do your homework. You checked the time and saw that it was only 11 so you decided to go through your wardrobe. You decided that you were going to reorganise everything in your room. As you were re organising your bra's your mom stands by your doorway. "Hey baby, what are you doing?" You took out your airpod and said "organising my clothes" "can I help?" she asks. Ugh you knew that she was gonna want to talk. "Sure" you said as she walks in. She sits down on the floor next to you.

"So, how's school going?" You grab your AirPods cases and place both of your AirPods in. "Fine, why?" "Just making conversation" she responds. "Is this about my fight with dad this morning? Is this why you are here?" she just gives you a look "what do you want to talk about? My attitude, my tone, my door?" "Well what should I do? Your father is one step away from sending you to a boarding school or getting you a security guard who won't leave your side ever, or even just install cameras outside the front door and the fire escape" "are you serious" you say as you quickly throw all your bras back into the drawer. "I need to go on a walk" you say as you start walking out of your room. "You need either me or dad to take you then" she says back as you shout back "whatever"

Emily's POV
As she shouts back at me Aaron walks in. "What is all the screaming about?" he says as his nostrils start to flare up ever so slightly. "I just told Amy about our conversation" you say back as you see her eyebrows furrow and tears start to form. "Can I not just leave the house?" she says all mad. "I want to go to Home Depot with mom in 15 minutes so you will come with us" "let me guess you aren't buying me a new door" she says back. "Well you got that correct" he says back "so what's my prize" she says as she rolls her eyes "security cameras" "WHAT?" You can't be serious." she shouts back as she starts crying. "It's for your own good" you say back. She jumps on her bed and hugs the pillow. "I'm not going" she says "oh yes you will" he says back. "What are you going to do? Carry me to the car?" she says back. "Well isn't that a great idea" he says. "I'm going to get changed," he says.

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