Chapter 28: Christmas Shopping

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Amelia's POV
After 10 days, your parents come back. It was Friday right before last period and you took a pill waiting for Garcia to pick you up but found your dad and mom in the car with you.

You were a little paranoid that your parents were going to find out that you were on pills so you took a nap as soon as you got home. When you woke up later, it was 4 in the morning and you felt your high come down. You got one of the pills and snorted it. You then went into the kitchen and ate the leftovers in the fridge.

You still couldn't go back to sleep though so you turned on the tv and watched cartoons. Watching cartoons when you're high is a completely different experience.

Emily's POV
You wake up the next morning to find the tv on and Amy passed out on the couch. You picked her up and carried her back into her bed. You then start Christmas shopping. You had Amy make a list of presents that she wanted to get and bought them before picking out some other items before adding them to the shopping cart.

Once you moved onto Aaron, Amy finally came out of bed. "Well good morning sleepyhead" she said. "Morning" you say back. "What were you doing watching cartoons this morning?" she said. "Couldn't go to sleep so I turned on the tv and eventually fell asleep." you say back. "Well I want to go food shopping in an hour so get up and get dressed" you say.

"Fine" she says. An hour later Amy comes out in a tight shirt and jeans. Her makeup was done and her hair was out. "Well you look nice" you say. "Thanks" she says.

You hop in the car and drive down to the supermarket. "Stay close" you say as she responds "ye ye ye". You stroll down the aisles and get Chicken, gravy and potatoes for Christmas dinner. You also get some bananas for Amy and as you were looking at dessert, you see Amy start flirting with a boy working there.

You pick up a chocolate biscuit cake and pull her arm as you walk to the cash register. "Hey what was that for?" she says pissed. "Sorry did I interrupt you?" You say as you roll your eyes. As you were paying, Amy looked at the small fridge by the checkout area. "You can get one" you say "thank you" she says as she picks up a monster can. "Put that down and try again" you say as she gets a Coke Zero instead.

"Better" you say as she scans it for you to pay. You hop in the car and you start talking. "Monster? Seriously Amy, do you know how bad that is for you?" "I didn't think they were that bad..." she mumbles.

"Help me with the shopping" you say as you pull into the parking garage. You take your shopping bags as Amy unlocks the front door. You unpack the shopping bags and put everything in the freezer as Amy takes out the bananas and starts eating one.

"Where's dad?" She asks. "Christmas shopping" you respond. "What's for dinner?" "Spaghetti" you say. "Great well I'm going to take a nap now" "sounds good" you say. You were a little worried about how often she naps but she had a bad night sleep so you let it slide. Aaron finally comes home with multiple shopping bags in hand and hides them as you start dinner. He then wakes up Amy as you finish dinner. You sit down and talk about your day.

"So Amy, do you have anything you want to do tomorrow?" you ask to make conversation. "I might study a little," she says. "What subject?" "Well I have a couple of tests so I'll just go through all of them" she says back while playing with her food.

"Amy you've barely eaten, is everything okay?" you ask. "Just a little stressed that's all" she says. "Let me know if you need any help" you say. "I won't but thanks" she says as she clears her plate and puts it in the dishwasher.

"I'm going to sleep," she says as she closes her door. "Okay night baby" you say as she climbs into her bed and falls asleep. After 10 minutes you and Aaron go to bed and fall asleep instantly. You wake up the next morning at 9 to see Amy still asleep.

Aaron was probably out on a jog or something while you grabbed everyone's washing basket and you sectioned all the clothes from whites, lights, and darks.

Once you finished you made yourself cereal as Aaron came back. He gave you a kiss before you told him to shower. You had finished your cereal and went to put your bowl in the dishwasher.

You were bending over and you felt two big hands grab your hips. You turn around and see it was Aaron. You turn around and see him standing there in nothing but a towel. You quickly looked in through Amy's room to see that she was fast asleep. You then jumped into Aaron's arms and started kissing him passionately.

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