Chapter 38-Therapy

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Emily's POV
On Wednesday, Aaron finally texts you saying that he is on the way back. You drop Amy off to school before driving to pick Aaron up. You immediately run into Aaron's arms as he picks you up. Once you feel his touch, you sob. "Oh Aaron, I'm so glad you are back" you say as he holds you tightly.

You go back to the apartment and let him nap before discussing the whole situation. You then move Amy's mattress into your room before both going through her bedroom. There you found another bag of pills behind the mirror. There must have been at least a hundred little pills in a bag. You then go to the medicine cabinet and find all the pill bottles you were given every time you both got injured on the job empty. There must have been hundreds if not thousands of pills missing. You take them and throw out the empty bottles as you both start to cry a little. You never see Aaron cry.

Amy's POV
You sneak out in the middle of the night again and fill up two bags with pills. There must have been at least a hundred in each bag. You sneak back into your room and put one in your backpack and another behind your mirror. When you go to school, you hide them in your locker. You take a pill before going to first period and again at the end of the day. You walk out of school and see your parents waiting for you in the car. You gulp as you hop into the car. Your parents both seemed very upset which was unusual as they normally are able to hide their emotions better.

Your parents drive to the bau and your mom wraps her arm around your shoulder as you walk in. You didn't really think anything of it until you got into the elevator and your dad pressed floor 3. "Where are we going?" you say as you start to panic. The elevator opens and you see that it was the therapy floor. "Mom, what are we doing here?" you say as you feel your eyes water. You continue walking until you reach a room with chairs just outside. The door was closed and you sat on the chair picking at your fingers. "I'm not going in" you say acting all tough before your dad looks at you sternly "Amelia" you look away from him as your mom grabs your hand so you were unable to pick at your skin. Just then a tall woman comes out.

"Hi I'm Dr. Cruz, you must be Amelia" she says as she shakes your hand. "Please come on in" she says as your parents follow you in. You sit down as she grabs a notebook and pen. You are sitting in between both of your parents on a couch as she is facing you on another couch. "So tell me a little bit about you" she says. "Um my name is Amelia but I go by Amy." you say as she starts scribbling stuff down. "and what grade are you in?" "I'm a sophomore in High School" "Do you do any sports or clubs?" "I'm on the cheer team in school"

"Do you have any siblings?" "Well I have a half brother named Jack" "and how old is he?" "He is 19 and a freshman at UMiami" "would you consider yourself close with him?" "yes" "and how often would you have seen him?" "Well after I turned 2 I would've seen him everyday until he moved for college"

"Would you care to elaborate?" "Well after my dad got divorced with his first wife, Haley, my parents had a one night stand resulting in me. Jack would have been 3 at this stage and I would have seen him on the weekends for the first few months of my life. Then a crazy guy was after the family so we all went into witness protection. They finally caught the guy but Haley died. This meant that my dad got full custody so he ended up living with us full time. We had a minder whenever my parents were on a case until he was twelve and the minder quit. He then started taking care of me and it was just the two of us whenever my parents were on cases until he went to college."

"So are you all by yourself now?" "Well I was for 3 months until Garcia had to start babysitting me and now my mom has took some time off work to take care of me"

"and why did Garcia have to start babysitting you?" "It's so dumb but my parents came back from a case late one night and discovered that I had snuck out and was at a party. They then show up to this party to pick me up and mom walked in on me almost doing it with my boyfriend at the time and I was a little tipsy. They ended up losing their shit and got really overprotective and started enforcing dumb rules."

"What are these rules exactly?" "Well they took away my phone, won't let me leave the house unsupervised, took away my door and put security cameras everywhere"

"and parents why did you choose these punishments?" "Well we had taken away her phone once we found videos of her drinking, vaping and nudes which we have given back to her and taken away again with attitude problems. The phone has never really been gone for more that 24 hours though. We put security cameras outside her window where the fire escape is which is what we discovered was her usual sneak out route and outside the front door as well. So none in the house. We don't let her leave the house unsupervised because we are afraid that she will do god knows what with god knows who and we took away her door after we discovered all these illegal activities she's been doing." your mom says.

"and why has your mom taken off work now?" she asks diverting all her attention back to you "Well Garcia had to go with my parents on a case so I decided to throw a party. Some dickhead decided to call the police complaining that it was too loud. I ended up knowing one of the cops and he snitched and told my mom that I had thrown a party and that I was high. As soon as she found out, she flew back to DC straight away. We ended up getting into a heated argument and she asked me about drugs. I then yelled back at her that I do them and then she went crazy and took off work and didn't let me go anywhere alone."

"and how often would you do them?" "just like 3-4 times a day, it's no big deal" "would you say that you can't go a full day without them?" "I mean I could but I don't want to because I don't have a problem"

"and parents would you say that Amy has a problem with drugs?" your parents both respond with "yes." "I don't" you snap back. "Amelia you said that you didn't remember the last time you were sober, and I found more pills behind your mirror" your mom responds "you went through my stuff?" you shout back.

"I could see that you were still using. Your mood swings have been crazy, you have gotten skinnier, your eyes are always red, you are always tired, your immune system is down and you just seem out of it" she says. "Maybe that's all just because I am just a normal hormonal teenager with parents who are too stubborn to realise that I am fine" You say back as you cross your arms.

"Do you fight with your parents a lot" "all the time" "and how long have the fights been going on?" "Since they found out that I am not a little miss perfect."

"and how would these arguments typically go?" "Well it would normally start with me in a relatively good mood and then something happened and mom wants to talk about everything. She starts then talking to me relatively calm before saying something like it's no big deal which it always is. This then sets me off and then I end up getting worked up and then I will storm out and sob and then she comforts me as I sob and we then work out the problem"

"do you always make up in the end." "yes cause she is normally right" you mumbled as your mom takes your hand again and you realise that you must have been picking at your fingernails again.

"Great, I think that's everything that I needed to hear for the day. Why doesn't Amy step outside while we just chat." she says. Your mom opens her purse. "Why don't you buy yourself something to eat at the vending machines" she says as she hands you a $5 bill. "And Ames I expect change" she says as you walk out and go to the vending machine. You buy Diet Coke and Lays chips while you wait for your parents to come out.

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