Chapter 36-Alone

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Amelia's POV
You didn't want to leave Cuba as you enjoyed drinking every night. You missed how relaxing life was and the fact that you were stress free. You couldn't go back to seeing Mr. Martin every day as you were counting down the days till spring break.

The first day back from winter break, there was a sub in US History. You were over the moon so you texted Chloe asking if she wanted to skip gym and hang out. She said yes and you told the sub that you were going to the bathroom. You technically weren't lying. You went to the bathroom with Chloe and both got high together and just never came back. The sub didn't notice so you got away with it. You started skipping class but only when you were stressed and didn't feel like going.

You were in the middle of US History when you heard your name on the announcement "Amelia Hotchner, please report to the main office" you grab your bag before heading out. You were grateful that you didn't skip because you were debating it and would've gotten caught. You walk to the main office to see your mom very nervous.

You hop in the car and see your dad waiting in there with you. He looks stressed also. Nobody spoke until you finally arrived home. You knew that they were going to have a talk so you sat down at the dining room table.

They both joined you and looked into eachothers eyes before speaking. "We have just received a case and will be gone for a few days" your mom says before your dad continues "Garcia needs to join us on this trip so we will be leaving you on your own" "unless of course you want me to stay" your mom jumps in nervously. "This case should be a quick one and we should be back by next Friday at the latest." your dad continues. "You are not to leave the house unless it is to go to school" "you call Will or Sav if there are any problems" your mom says "don't forget that we still have the cameras" your dad continues "text and call all the time" your mom says. "The case is in New York so we will only be an hour long flight away." she continues. "No parties, no people over, no illegal activities, do you understand" he says sternly. "Yes" you say.

Your parents grab their go bags before giving you a hug and kiss goodbye. Your mom gives you an extra long hug which you knew how nervous she was leaving you hear alone. "Mom I'll be fine" you say as she kisses your forehead. "I love you" she says before walking out.

You lock the door before heading back to the dining room table and grabbing your phone. You then text your gc "party at my rooftop tomorrow night who's in?" you say. Everyone texts yes. You open the fridge and see chicken and the walk to the cupboard and grabbed rice. You made the rice and heated the chicken before grabbing a fork and sat down to eat dinner.

You texted your mom to let her know that you were eating dinner, to which she responds instantly-"heading back to the hotel, call you in 15?" you respond "sure" before quickly hopping into the shower leaving your dinner on the table and change into pyjamas. After 15 minutes, your mom FaceTimed you, you heard the shower in the background and assumed it was Dad in there.

She started asking you a bunch of questions like how are you, what are you doing, what you have been eating. You then hear the shower turn off and your dad walks towards the camera in his pyjamas. "Hi sweetheart" he says before he starts pouncing you with questions. They tell you a bit about the case and how they have a few leads so they should be back within a week. They then hang up and you go to sleep.

You go to school the next day and get back to the house. As soon as you get back to the house, you tape the camera. You started getting ready for the party as you got dressed and all you had to do was your makeup. You threw on a robe and hid your hair to FaceTime your parents at 9 and tell them you were going to bed. Once they hung up, you did your makeup.

You go to the roof at 10 to find that the party has already started. Tyler must've started it as he bought all the pizzas and drinks. After the party last time, the house was a mess and he had to clean up the whole thing. Tyler said that he would love to throw a party and pay for everything but he just needed a location. You didn't mind cleaning up the mess on the roof.

You saw Henry there with his girlfriend. You walk over to him. "Well if it isn't mr. perfect at a party" you say as he laughs "I told dad that I was going to study with friends. He's working a Night Shift so he won't know" Henry says as he grabs a slice of pizza that Tyler bought. "Why are you throwing a party though? Your parents are gonna kill you if they find out" he says. "Well I guess they better not find out" you respond with a smile before take a slice of pizza. Henry left at 11 but you were still partying on. You were dancing with a few boys and drinking some weird mixture that Tyler bought as well as getting high of course. At 1 am two officers showed up. You were so high that you didn't even notice. They shut down the party and as everyone flees one officer comes over to you.

"Amy?" he says. "Will?" you say back as you soon realise who the officer was. "You know that you aren't supposed to be throwing parties, what are you even doing up here?" he asks. You could barely understand what he was saying because you were too strung out.

"Amy are you high?" he asks. "No" you said back angrily. "Amelia Hotchner tell me the truth or I'm calling your dad." he says. "Um no" you say back as he goes to pick up his phone. You start to freak out "Okay fine yes I am but please don't call my dad". As Will was about to answer, he suddenly gets dispatched again. "Go to bed and I will see you tomorrow" he says.

You clean up the mess which was not bad. You then brought the alcohol downstairs as well as the pizza boxes. You finish the alcohol as there wasn't much left and stuffed all the pizza into a box before throwing the rest of the boxes out. You then showered and got into your pyjamas nervous to see Will tomorrow.

Emily's POV
You wake up at 1:30 to your phone ringing. You pick up your phone angrily hoping to not wake up Aaron and see that it was Will. A pit suddenly grew in your stomach as you grabbed your key card and phone before walking out into the hallway.

You pick up the phone "Hello" you say "hey Emily sorry to be waking you up" "it's no problem is Amy okay?" you ask concerned "well I was actually calling you about her" he says and your nerves went up "what happened?" "Well I got a call at around 12:45 about some noise complaint at a party on a rooftop. When I drove there, I saw it was Amy throwing a party on your rooftop" your blood starts to boil. "I am so sorry" you say. "It was no big deal we shut the party down and everyone went home almost immediately" "thank you" you say back "well I went up to Amy and she seemed kind of off, I think she was using drugs so I asked her. She seemed very snappy and after a while she finally admitted to doing them" you froze at the sound of that. "I sent her to bed and I can check on her tomorrow morning" he says "Thanks Will but you don't have to I'll fly back now" you say as you hang up and sneak back in.

You quickly book a flight to DC and pack your go back. You then wrote Aaron a little note telling him that you were going back to DC. You call a taxi and go straight to the airport. You didn't even change out of your pajamas as you hopped on your flight. You were finally back home at 4 in the morning and exhausted so you went to sleep.

At 11 am you woke up to some movement in the kitchen. You walk out to see Amy eating leftover pizza on the couch while watching cartoons. "Amelia" you say and she doesn't respond. You walk over and tap her as she looks in your eyes with panic.

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