Chapter 56: Lasagna

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Your mom wakes you up the next morning and brings you back to Dr. Cruz's office. You sigh in the waiting room as your mom just holds your hand. Once you saw that Dr. Cruz was ready, your mom gives you a kiss on the head before looking at you. "I will be upstairs at my desk. Call me if you need anything" she says before you walk in. Once she saw that you were inside, she walks out and quickly makes her way to the office.

"Hey Amy" Dr. Cruz says as she opens the door and gestures you in. You sit down on the couch as she takes a seat in the chair opposite you. "How are you?" she asks. "I'm fine" "how is it being back home?" she asks. "Really good" you say with a smile. "Well that's great to hear!" she says. "I hear you went to Rossi's beach house with the team. How did that go?" "I had a really fun time. It was a nice distraction to get away from life and relax" you say.

"I heard there was a little incident on the way up, if you would like to talk about it" "it's really no big deal but we pull in at a gas station and go into the convenience store. As I was passing the window inside, I saw a drug trade happen." You say with a shrug. "Do you want to talk about how that made you feel?" she asks. "Um mad maybe" "why?" "Because they did it out in the open" "any other feelings?" "I guess jealous" "why?" "because I would do anything right now even for the smallest pill" "and why's that?" "Because when I take it, I feel free and happy" you say.

"Your mom was telling me that you were going to cheer tomorrow" "ye" "tell me a bit more about that" "um it's the first cheer practice of the summer. I missed tryouts but my mom emailed the coach and she said that it was fine and I didn't need to try out" "well that's very impressive" she says. "I guess so" you say. "How are you feeling about going back?" she asks. "A little nervous and maybe excited" you respond.

"And why's that?" "Well I haven't seen most of these people since before I left for rehab. Apparently there are a bunch of different rumours going around about why I left. So I know that I will get asked and I don't think I am ready to tell people about rehab." you say. "Do you know what you are going to tell people when they ask?" "Well I told Chloe to tell people that my parents had to go on a last minute case and they brought me with them. But that I should be back in the fall" "I see, and do your parents know about this?" "No" "you should probably tell them so it doesn't come out that you were lying" "okay" you say knowing that you probably wouldn't.

"What were these rumours going around anyway?" "Well there was pregnancy, dead, that I have some sort of disease, or switched to some strict catholic school cause my parents couldn't deal with me anymore." you say. "and how did they make you feel?" "I don't know why but I actually found them quiet funny". "Okay well I was talking to your mom and we both agreed that  it would be beneficial for you to see me again in 2 days and we can talk about how your first day back at cheer went." "Okay" you said as you get up. "And Amy, welcome back" she says with a smile. You smile back before you walk out.

You saw that your mom wasn't outside so you hop into the elevator. You ride up to the 6th floor and walk out. You see your mom heavily concentrated on a file. You walk up to her and sit down next to her. You could see that she had her noise cancelling AirPods in. She puts the file down and takes out her AirPods. She sees you sitting there on your phone. "Hey baby, how long have you been waiting there for?" "I just got here like a few seconds ago" "okay perfect, you ready to go?" she asks. "yes" you say as you jump up and walk to the elevator while your mom was putting her things away.

She walks up behind you and gives you a side hug as she pulls you in. She kisses your head. "How was therapy?" she asks. "Same as usual" you said. She tucks a strand of hair behind you ear before stroking your cheek. "Are you okay?" She asks as she makes eye contact with you. "yes, I'm fine" you say as you put on a fake smile. The elevator opens and you hop in.

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