Chapter 25: Back at the Bureau

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Emily's POV
It was now 4 o'clock and you ring Aaron. "Aaron, Amy seems really off." you say panicked. "I'll be home in an hour" he says "oh and get pizza on way back." you say.  30 minutes later you get a text saying there is terrible traffic and that he should be home in 2 hours.

At 6 o'clock, Aaron walks in with the box of pizza. He looked worried when he saw how anxious you were. He picked you up and put you on his lap as you just cried into his arms "I just don't know what's going on with her, she is a little out of it-what if she is taking drugs" you start saying "we raised her better than that Em" he assured you "why don't I wake her up while you start eating" he says as he walks into Amy's room. You dry away your tears as you open the box. You eat a slice as Amy comes out of her room with Aaron.

The shorts you bought her 6 months ago are looking a lot bigger on her. We start eating and she eats one slice.

"Hey Amy, can you eat another slice for me?" you ask as she gives you a nervous look. "why? I'm full" "but you only ate one slice" you say back. "Am I not allowed to stop eating when I'm full?" she says back angrily. "You are getting skinnier and I'm just worried that you aren't eating enough." you say back calmly. "Isn't getting skinnier a good thing?" "Amy you are beautiful, you don't need to lose weight" Aaron adds in. "I'm not trying to, I don't have an eating disorder if that's what you are getting at" she says back angrily.

"I'm going to do some homework," she says as she walks away. "Do you see what I mean?" you say. "Let's talk about this in the morning" he says back.

Amy's POV
You go to sleep and get woken up by your mom the next morning. "Hey baby time to get up for school." she says. You start to get up but feel sick, your high must be gone. You remembered that you were getting some pills today. You quickly grabbed $50 that you got from your stash of birthday money.

You put on jeans and a really cropped top before throwing on light makeup and letting your hair down. As you walk to the kitchen to grab a banana and eat, "change your shirt" you hear your dad says not looking up from the newspaper. You huff and throw on another shirt which covered your whole stomach. You then come out of your room again.

"Better?" you say. "Much better" he says as he kisses your head. You unpeel your banana and start eating as your mom walks out of her bedroom. "Ready to go?" she asks as you finish your banana. "Yep" you say as grab your bag. "Someone looks like they are in a hurry to get to school" your mom say as your dad laughs. "Yep" "don't forget that your father or I will pick you up right outside of school." "Yep" you say as you hop into the car.

You walk into school and head straight to the gender neutral bathrooms. You go into the biggest stall and wait for Tyler to come. You text him and 2 minutes later he comes. You give him the $50 and in return he gives you a bigs of 100 pills. "This should last you a while" he says. As he exits the bathroom. You take a pill before heading to class because you had a test coming up.

When you walk out of school, you see your dad in the car. As you hop in the car, you see your mom sitting next to him. You sit in the back as they are talking away. "Hey baby, we just went out for lunch and got subway" she says as she passes you a sandwich. "Thank you but I'm not really hung-" you said as your mom interrupts you "eat" you take a bite as she smiles and gets back to her conversation with dad. You just stare out the window and debate taking another pill. You really wanted one but you didn't want your parents to find out. "We're here" your dad says as you snap out of your thoughts. "Everything okay?" your mom asks as you focus back on reality. "Ye sorry just daydreaming" you said. "Okay baby" she says as you all walk into the elevator.

"I should be done at 7" your dad says. "I'll be done by 6:30" your mom says. "I can cook tonight" your dad says. "Really" your mom says as he gives your dad a kiss. You walk out of the elevator fast as you sat down by your moms desk.

"What's the matter mini Prentiss? You look like you've seen a ghost" he says "worse" you reply "my parents were kissing in the elevator" you say shaking your head. Morgan starts laughing as your mom comes up to her desk "why are you laughing" she says at Derek. "No reason" he says as he smiles.

You pull out your math and start doing it. Once you finished math, you started your chem work in which you had to look up the answer to every question.  You then did some French and finally studied US history for an hour. Once you finally felt confident in the topic, you read your book in English and took some notes. Once you finished taking notes, you put your stuff in your bag and went on your phone.

You put on your headphones as you opened snap and went through people's private stories. You then opened your snaps and some voice messages. You checked your phone and saw it was only 5:30. You opened Netflix and started watching Breaking Bad before your mom tells you to go into your dads office and tell him that she is done.

You got up and knocked on his door. "Come in" he says. "What is it?" he says not looking up from his files. "Mom is finished work and wanted me to let you know" as soon as you say the word mom he looks up at you. "Have you finished your homework?" "Yes" "good" "tell her that I have to finish this file and then I'm done" "will do" you say. "Bye love you!" He says "love you too" you say back.

You walk back to your moms desk "he is on his last file" you say. "Oh good" "I'm just going to the bathroom, can I trust you to behave while I'm gone" she asks. "Yes mom" you say. "Hey JJ can you keep an eye on Amy while I go to the bathroom" mom says. "Mom seriously?" you say as she walks away. Unbelievable you think to yourself.

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