Chapter 55: NA meetings

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Amy's POV
You woke up the next morning and your mom said there was a meeting at 11, 20 minutes away so she wanted to leave the house at 10:30. You checked the time and it was 8:50. You had a bowl of cereal before showering and getting changed. You didn't really know what to wear to a meeting so you grabbed a pair of shorts that actually covered your ass and a red tank top. You then put on light makeup and did your hair in two french braids before throwing on your Airforces and walking into the kitchen.

Your parents were having some sort of important conversation probably regarding you as your dad cleared his throat once he saw you walk in. Your mom then turns to face you. "You ready to go?" you nod your head yes as she grabbed the keys.

You then quietly walk to the car before hopping in. Your mom pulls up the location before inputting it on Google maps. "So you nervous about going to a meeting?" she asks trying to make conversation. "yes a bit" you say staring out the window. "You know it's okay to be nervous right?" she says not taking her eyes off the road. "I mean I guess" you say trying to hide the fact that you were freaking out.

"Would it make you feel better if I took you out to lunch after?" she says. "Really where?" you ask getting kind of excited. "Anywhere" she says as you start to get excited. "Maybe we could get lunch after every meeting you know if you want" "ooh I'm up for that"

"I also emailed the cheer coach since you missed tryouts but she says that you don't need to tryout and that practice starts next week if you still want to do it" "did you tell her why I had to miss tryouts?" you asked suddenly nervous. "Of course not, that's for you to tell her if you feel comfortable" she responds as a wave of panic washes over. "Thank god" you say as you start to pull up to the location.

"Are we here?" you ask as you pull up to
an old looking church. "Yes" she says. "Are you sure? It looks haunted" she laughs "yes you are in the basement. "Cause the church itself isn't creepy enough" you say as you roll your eyes. "Well if it is haunted, you can always come out here where I'll be waiting for you." "Are you seriously gonna stay out here the whole time?" you ask kind of annoyed. "Of course I am, I even picked up Cats Cradle while I'm waiting" she says as she reaches into her bag and pulls out the book.

"I haven't read this in years" she says as she sighs examining the worn out book that she's owned since she was 15. For her birthday one year, your dad managed to get the books signed. You'd never seen her that happy before. You chilled out on your phone scrolling through insta as your post was still blowing up. At 5 minutes to, you started seeing people walk in. "Go on baby, I'm out here if you need" she says as you nervously get out the car and walk inside the church.

You saw an NA meeting sign with an arrow that pointed to a staircase. When you walk down the staircase, you see a bunch of people waiting around and talking to each other. They all looked about 25+. You immediately walk up to the food table and grab a coffee and a cookie and there were mini triangle sandwiches but they looked gross.

You take a seat in the back and another teenager walks in. He was tall and HOT. He was giving off your typical bad boy vibes but considering he is at NA, he probably was one and not faking. He takes a seat next to you just before the meeting starts.

You start to zone out and go on your phone. You couldn't get any service though so you turned it off and pretended to pay attention. He turns and looks at you. You could tell that he was eyeing you but pretended not to notice and kept looking forward.

"and what is a pretty girl like you doing here at NA" he whispers. You didn't know how to answer "cause I overdosed on oxy" you respond turning back to pay attention. "Hmm you don't look like the type of girl to do drugs" that comment made you mad as you turned to face him. Some woman was giving her dumb sob story and everyone was too focused to hear you guys talk.

"what's that's supposed to mean?" You snap back at him. "Wow, fiesty I like it" you just roll your eyes. "So how'd you get into drugs?" he asks. "What?" you say. "Well you clearly aren't going to go up and give your whole sob story so you might as well just tell me here cause I wanna know." He says.

You were kind of turned on by his confidence but you'd never let him know that. "I don't even know your name and you expect me to tell you my whole drug story" you say. "Well Im Miles and you are?" "Amelia but you can just call me Amy" "Nah I think I'll just stick with fiesty, it has a nice ring to it don't you think." he says with a wink as you just roll your eyes again.

"So how'd you get into drugs" he asks again. "my friends started smoking pot one night at a party so I started too. One night my parents came back from work and found out I had snuck out when they found me I was about to have sex with my then boyfriend and clearly drunk and high. They freaked out and I was grounded. I couldn't hang out with any of my friends and the one time they let my best friend come over she brought over a pill of oxy, I got hooked pretty quickly and now here we are 8 months later, just fresh out of rehab after overdosing on my roof where my parents found me and forcing me to be here, you?" you ask.

"Oh I don't just tell my story to anyone" he says with a smirk "see you around fiesty" he says as he stands up and walks to the host or whatever. You realise that the meeting just ended as everyone is talking to each other. You notice that Miles is getting some sort of slip signed as you walk to the snack table and grab another cookie before walking back up the stairs.

You walk to the car and open the car door where your moms nose was stuck in the book as she didn't even realise you had come out. "How was it?" she asked. "Let's just say I'm ready for lunch, I'm thinking Panera" you say as she starts driving.

You arrive at Panera and split up. You go to find somewhere to sit while your mom orders. You find a quiet spot for two and pull out your phone. You see that you had a new follower on insta. You check it and see that it was Miles. You see him send a message. "Hey fiesty" you ignore it.

"When can I get your snap?" he asks again. You did think he was cute, so you decided to give it to him. You get a friend just added you notification on snap right away. You go back to insta. "and what makes you think that I am going to add you back?" you ask to which he responds "that's why I like you" "you're so fiesty" you decide to add him back.

He snaps you back immediately. You contemplate opening but you find your finger over the button. You open it and oh wow was he hot. You were about to snap back when you saw your mom come your way. You quickly put your phone down.

"Who's ready for lunch?" Your mom asks as she puts the plates down. "Ugh I'm starving" you say as you take a bite into your sandwich. "How is it?" "really good considering we are in the middle of nowhere" "Amelia" your mom says as she swats your arm while people turn to look over at you. "Not everyone needs to live in the city, you know" she says as you roll your eyes.

"Hey mom, when do I have to see Dr. Cruz again?" you ask as you take a sip of your drink. "On Wednesday" she says. "Okay" you said "and cheer practice starts on Thursday?" you continue. "Yes, would you rather have an appointment after your first day back. Or we could do both the day before and the day after" mom suggests.

"Mom, I don't need therapy relax" you say as she just gives you a look. "Mom, relax- I haven't don't drugs in like 2 months." you say. "I know and I am very proud of you, I would like to keep it going which is why you should go to therapy and be honest please" "I don't know what you mean"
you say as you cross your arms. "Baby, we both know that you don't tell her everything" "ye but dad said that you are the exact same" you say as you take another bite out of your sandwich. "Mmh, fine I'll give you that" mom says to which you laugh.

"I think I deserve a cookie for winning that argument" you say with a cheesy smile. That smile was as your dad called it "contagious". Your mom smiles as well and let's you get one. You buy yourself the Panera cookie and finish the sandwich before hopping in the car.

The car ride home you completely forgot about Miles as you could only think about how good that cookie was. Which by the way it was amazing like always!

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