Chapter 44-48 hours

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Emily's POV
You both drive back to the Bau to work on some files trying to forget about what just happened. It was a Sunday evening so the office was empty. You grab your files off your desk and move them into Aaron's office. Neither of you say anything but it was clear that neither of you wanted to be alone tonight. You both had fallen quiet behind in files as Amy was keeping you guys distracted. Strauss did however give you both extra time to finish them seeing as you have some family matters going on. Hotch however would never allow himself to take that extra time even if it meant he was going to have to stay up the whole night and finish them. You finish your paperwork at the same time before hopping in the car. You check the time and see that it was 11.

The car ride was silent as Aaron drove home while you just stared out the window. You hopped in the shower as soon as you both got home and changed into one of Aaron's old shirts and a pair of shorts. Aaron then hops in the shower while you go to the fridge. You pour yourself a glass of a wine as Aaron comes out of the shower in just a towel.

He walks over to you and gives you a big hug. You just felt the tears stream down your face. "God I just miss her so much" you say. "I know Em me too" he says as he kisses your head. You pull away from his arms and just admire his abs. You both make eye contact as you pull him in for a passionate kiss. He was surprised at first but quickly kissed back just as passionate. He picked you up and brought you back to the bedroom. You fucked him hard all night long. You had no idea how you were going to be able to walk the next morning.

You wake up the next morning to the alarm going off and roll over to see the bed empty. You get out of bed and put on your work clothes before Aaron comes back inside all sweaty. Normally when Aaron has a lot on his mind he will either throw himself into work or go on lots of runs. Sometimes if he got really stressed he would do both. He gives you a kiss before hopping in the shower.

You do your makeup while Aaron is in the shower. You then touch up your hair as Aaron finished getting dressed. You both walk to the car and Aaron drives you both to Dunkin' before going to work. You felt an ache at the sight of Dunkin' because it reminds you of Amy. You order your drinks and head to the office.

You both walk in and hop in the elevator. You give him a goodbye kiss on the cheek before the elevator doors open. There Hotch walks to his office as you walk to your desk. You could feel the stares as you walk to your desk. You sit down and start your paperwork immediately and try not to make eye contact with anyone.

At 1, JJ walks up to you and asks you if you want to go out for lunch. You declined the invitation and worked through lunch. You finish all your files before bringing them up to Hotch's desk. You knock and wait for him to answer. Once he does you walk in and hand him your stack. Seeing as you had no more work left, you drive home, shower, make dinner and read. Aaron texts you saying that he was ready to go home so you drive back to the bau and picked him up. You then both drove back home and ate dinner in silence before going straight to bed.

You woke up the next morning and remembered that you had to go to Amy's school today to clear out her locker at 7:45. You shower and get into jeans and a t-shirt before applying light makeup. Aaron also wore jeans and a t-shirt and you both drove to her school. You walk in and are greeted by the principal.

"Hi Mr and Mrs. Hotchner, thank you for coming in." he says as you both give him a fake smile. "Well thank you for letting us come in." You then all walk to her locker. He gives you the combo before leaving. "If you need anything, please let me know." he says before leaving. Now it was just you and Aaron in the hallway. You put in the combo twice and failed twice. He laughed and moved you aside before getting it on his first try. He then turns to you with a smirk. "Oh shut up" you respond before slapping his arm lightly. You then start pulling out book as Aaron throws them in his bag. You finally got to Amy's math textbook.

You pull it out and you see a big bag of pills in there. You were in shock seeing the bag. Although she did warn you, it didn't help seeing the bag in person. You just couldn't believe she was able to hide a bag that size.

"Aaron" you say as you give him the bag. He quietly takes it and throws it out while you continue to clear out the locker. Once you finish, you go home and change before going to work.

There you kept your heads down and did not interact with anyone. Aaron was much better though as he was talking to Rossi. They always had a special relationship. You felt bad for shutting people out but you hated getting sympathised more. You just prayed that there were no new cases coming up. You would just simply refuse to go. You went home early as you and Hotch skipped lunch again. It felt depressing at home and you knew he was trying to talk about it.

You had just finished dinner in silence again and were washing your plate when Aaron cleared his throat. You knew he wanted to talk but you honestly didn't have the energy to. "Hey Em can we talk?" he asks. You look up from the dishes. He was a foot behind you. You could see that he was trying to make eye  contact. You put the dishes in the dishwasher before closing it up. "Em" he says again. You turn around and see him trying to start a conversation again.

You look into his deep brown eyes before you pull off your shirt to reveal your bare chest. He was shocked at first as it was unexpected. But that shock soon turned into mesmerisation. You start closing the gap in between the both of you. Your hands quickly grab his hair as you start to kiss him. His hands quickly made there way to your shorts as he pulled them off so now you were completely naked. He quickly picked you up from the back of the thighs and placed you on kitchen table before pulling off his own shorts. There he quickly slid his dick in you and once you were adjusted, thrusted so hard until you came. He then picked you up and carried you back to your room where you had another 2 rounds.

Once you both finally had enough, you went to sleep. You couldn't wait to see Amy tomorrow. You were anxiously tossing and turning all night long.

What if Amy hates me? What would have happened if I didn't send her away? What would have happened if I noticed the signs earlier? What would have happened if I switched fields and been at home more often? Why couldn't she have told me the truth? Can life ever go back to normal? Is all you could think about all night long while Aaron was snoring right next to you.

You climbed out of bed and grabbed your book before heading to the living room where you just read until you fell asleep.

Aarons POV:
You wake up the next morning to the alarm going off. When you roll over, you see an empty spot on the other side of the bed. You hop out of bed and sneak into the kitchen to see Emily snuggled up on the couch with her book right next to her. You check the time and see that you don't have to leave for another hour. You hop in the shower and get dressed before packing more casual clothes to see Amy in. You were so excited to see her today. You then make two coffees before waking her up. You could see the bags under her eyes and her nails destroyed. You couldn't help but feel your heart ache as you shake her awake.

Emily's POV
You get shaken awake by Aaron and slowly wake up. You quickly take a shower and get into leggings and a sweatshirt. You couldn't give a fuck about what you looked like going to work today. You were just so excited to see Amy. Aaron looked at your outfit and you knew he didn't like it but he also didn't want to argue. You hop into the car and drive to work.

You race through your pile before walking up to Aaron's office at 2. You hand him the pile you have completed and he grabs his bag and goes to the bathroom. 5 minutes later he comes out in casual clothes.

He takes your hand and you walk to the car. The car ride was silent and you finally pull up to facility. You walk in with Aaron behind you and ask to see Amelia Hotchner. She tells you to have a seat and someone should be in shortly.

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